"if that's even your real name"

Start from the beginning

"It was in The Daily Prophet." Harry said sympathetically.

"I saw it in The Daily Mail." Isabel added.

"Great." Leo said bitterly.

"How are you doing emotionally Leo?" Isabel asked concerned, "Not having any bad thoughts?"

"I'm not going to kill myself if that's what you're asking. It would only give her more things to talk about and receive pity for." Leo replied spitefully.

"Whatever gives you motivation to stay alive." Harry said with two thumbs up.

"I'm learning to accept that my life is over and everything is going to be different and it will never be like how it was again."

"But maybe it'll be better." Isabel replied supportively, "You can't tell me that there isn't just a small part of you that is relieved it's all out there. It couldn't have been easy keeping it all to yourself."

"I mean my family knew." Leo responded, "It wasn't just myself."

"Still Leo, it's a lot of pressure on a teenage girl."

"It isn't that bad. Really. I've gotten used to the whole private life thing. Only really pops up around holidays."

"Leo no need to act tough around us." Harry said sternly.

"I will be fine until my parents come home sir." Leo replied forcefully.

"If you're sure." Harry replied hesitantly, but not wanting to overstep.

"I am." Leo said standing up. "But thank you both so so much for letting me stay here. Muchas gracías."

"Of course sweet girl." Isabel said with a kind smile, "But if you spend the night here again you can share a room with your brother and not our son, okay?"

"Yes ma'am." Leo said as her face went a little read.

"You're free then I suppose, but please come
to us if you need anything."

"I will. Thank you again." Leo reiterated before she left to go outside where the others were hanging out.

"You survived the deep talk with my parents?" James asked when Leo came out the back door.

"Stopped it before it could get deep." Leo replied as she took a seat next to him on the grass.

"Got off easy then." James nodded.

"For now... it's going to be quite emotional with my dad most likely. Your parents could tell."

"What do you think he'll say?"

"I really can't know for sure. Hopefully he doesn't fly over there to yell at her again."

"Oh damn that would be intense."

"Sure would be. Especially since I don't plan on talking to her ever again."

"Never?" James asked curiously.

"I hate her James. Hate her." Leo replied honestly.

"She's your mum." James stated sincerely.

"Is she? Biologically yeah but I couldn't even tell you the last time she acted like it."

"Really?" James questioned as his heart broke for Leo.

"Yeah, I mean, remember how I came home really abruptly during Christmas break?"


"That was because she kicked me out." Leo explained.

"She kicked you out the day after Christmas?"

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