"james's room and clothes"

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"You okay?" James asked as Leo laid in Fred's bed just staring up at the ceiling. She wore a different pair of his pajamas, and James was grateful that he didn't throw out the toothbrush she had used before.

"I decided I don't want to cry in front of you." Leo replied bluntly.

"Leo." James said pointedly, "What is there even to cry about? You guys won!"

Leo rolled over to her side so she could look him in the eye, "Who is going to be my other Chaser? The other people who tried out were terrible. And I'm not good either."

"You will figure something out. You have until after Christmas Break." James reassured her.

"But whose to say the next person will listen any better than Flint and Pucey?"

"The fact that you kicked them off is a statement. Shows that you are going to put your foot down. People will be more respectful after that."

"You really think so?"

"Of course."

"Okay." Leo nodded hesitantly, "I should call my dad, he'll want to know how it went."

"Yeah you should. You can close the curtain if you want privacy."

"No it's fine." Leo said grabbing her phone off the night stand and ignoring all the congratulations and where are you texts.

"How'd it go?" Draco asked the minute he picked up the phone.

"We won." Leo said softly.

"THATS MY DAUGHTER LOOK AT YOU GUYS GO!" Leo had to hold the phone slightly away from her as he yelled into the phone causing James to laugh a little.

"Okay daddy quiet down, I'm not alone right now."

"Of course you aren't- you should be partying! But safely!"

"I'm not in the mood for partying." Leo responded dejected.

"And why is that? Did you have a bad game?"

"Kind of, I.... I lost my team." Leo's voice cracked a little as she spoke.

"You hated your team." Draco countered.

"Yeah they were the bloody worst but I put so much effort into trying to make them respect me just for them to literally try to sabotage the game." As Leo spoke tears began to run down her face, so she turned around slightly so James couldn't see her. "He-he literally told me that if we lost then Bennetts would see it was a mistake to make me captain. And it wasn't even Bennetts' decision! McGongall told him to make me captain!"

"Oh sweetheart, then they are only playing for the sake of saying they're on the Quidditch team. They don't care about the actual game because anyone who did would care more about winning than just getting the title of Captain."

"I know... But it still fucking hurts. And it feels like a waste of my time. I spent two months on this just for it to end with me as a Chaser and a first year as Keeper all so we don't forfeit."

"But you still won."

"Only because Lily caught the Snitch".

"And whose the one who put her in that position?"

"Me." Leo replied softly.

"You are a great Captain sweetheart."

"Thank you."

"Now go downstairs to that party and celebrate."

"Nah, I'm already in bed. Definitely not partying."

how to be a pureblood 101 // j.s.p.Where stories live. Discover now