"reasons why chase mclaggen sucks"

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tw// domestic violence

"Miss Malfoy, I'm going to give you a moment to put in your own words what you are experiencing." Headmaster McGonagall said looking at Leo through her thin glasses.

"Just your basic boy troubles Ma'am. Nothing of concern." Leo replied innocently. Bianca sat on her left, and Marco was on her right after being invited by Professor Bennetts.

"Professor Bennetts rarely sends kids to me, Miss Malfoy. You must've said something that raised his concern."

"No." Leo insisted, "He probably wanted to check just in case."

"In case of what?" McGonagall inquired.

"Just in case I was omitting something. Which I wasn't." Leo lied.

"Mhm." McGonagall said as she opened an envelope that sat on her desk. The room was silent as she read over it, "Miss Malfoy, I gave you a chance to speak in your own words."

"There's nothing to speak on Professor."

"Professor Bennetts is concerned you've experienced domestic violence against you."

Bianca took a sharp breath as Leo just shook her head, "We've only been together for like four days." Leo said using James's words.

"You told Professor Bennetts that your boyfriend would never want to hurt you. He deemed that language suspicious enough to have me speak to you."

"He looked too deep into it."

"I know you students do not like him- I'm not blind, but Professor Bennetts is exceptional at reading people."

"Well not at reading me." Leo replied matter-of-factly.

"Miss Malfoy, I cannot help you if you do not help me understand what is happening."

"Nothing is happening." Leo said as her voice began to raise.

"Lele." Marco said reaching over to take her hand, "You have to talk to her."

"About what?" Leo said pulling her hand away from him, "You want a play by play of our date? Do you want to read all my texts with him? You will find that he has been nothing but nice and sweet to me. He's a good guy. Bought my drinks, texted me good night and good morning, there's nothing wrong."

"Then why did James call me, Leo?" Bianca asked softly.

"Because it's Potter! He is overdramatic about everything!" Leo said getting defensive.

"He swore on his mother's life! I've heard him swear on his father's life before but never his mother's! He willingly just made up a bunch of details about your nonexistent period to get you away from Chase and I know they're made up because we've been synced for three years. He wouldn't do that if he didn't think this was serious!"

"IT WASN'T SERIOUS!" Leo yelled in response, "James doesn't know shit! All he bloody knows is that I didn't want Chase to see me with him!"

"Why didn't you want Chase to see you with him?" Marco asked.

"He doesn't like Potter." Leo said reverting back to last name basis. "I didn't want to start a fight."

"When have you been one to stray from a fight?" Bianca asked, "You pick fights with everyone."

"I don't like fighting with Chase."

"How'd you learn that in four days Leo?" Marco questioned.

"Can I get a bloody lawyer because I'm tired of these damn questions!" Leo exclaimed defensively.

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