"some bloody validation"

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"I fucked up." James sat down in Professor Adeline Wilson's office the next day after Leo had avoided the whole morning.

"Watch your language. Now how'd you fuck up?" She replied while grading essays.

"I told Malfoy that I thought she was going out with McLaggen to sabotage my team." James replied sheepishly.

"For fuck's sake James why would you do a thing like that?" Adeline asked exasperated.

"I don't know! As soon as I was told they were going out I just kept trying to think of the reason she'd want to go on adate with that dick and that's all I landed on." James explained frustrated.

"Why did you even have to think of a reason? Why do you care who she goes out with?" Adeline countered curiously.

"I don't care." James insisted, "If it were anyone else anyone I would've said nothing. But with him I couldn't stand by and watch. Just, Merlin, I hate that guy."

"Why do you even hate the kid?" Adeline inquired, "Besides him 'being an ass'."

"Countless reasons." James said shaking his head, "Overall is the fact that he talks so much shit behind everyone's backs but is a perfect angel to their faces. The shit he says about Professors, about girls, about his own friends, it's just disgusting. And he never seems to get caught. I'm like the only one that calls him out on it. Everyone loves the kid. But like you should've heard the shit he said about Roxanne. And I never told her because I know her like the back of my hand and I knew it would've just made her self-conscious and insecure but fucking Hell it was gross. And I had to watch him talk to her everyday while she told me I was being dramatic."

"And yet you put him on the team." Adeline pointed out.

"Because I want to win! And he was the best Seeker. I told him the second I added him to the roster that if he pulled any shit I was cutting him and he's been fine so far."

"Merlin I'll never understand you sports people."

"Dios mío just tell me how to get Malfoy to forgive me. I hate this." James complained as he slump down in his seat.

"You never cared before when the two of you fought."

"It's different this year. We've been friendlier."

"It's been one week since the start of the year James."

"And a lot has changed." James sat back up straight and leaned forward, "Her and I's lives have just become intertwined out of nowhere. Literally everyone we know is in some sort of relationship with each other. I cannot escape her, I might as well be her friend! And it's hard to do that when I fucked it up!"

"Okay calm the fuck down, I don't need this energy in my office." Adeline said referring to his increasing volume, "I'd wait until after her date to do anything."

"But she shouldn't go on the date." James complained.

"James, she can date whoever the fuck she wants whether you like them or not. And I do feel the obligation to remind you that she's my goddaughter."

"Ugh I did forget about that. It's so weird."

"Yeah I don't really know what Draco was thinking there. Like I threatened to kill his dad and then he gave me responsibility over his kids."

"Big dick energy on your part though." James commented impressed.

"What did Lily tell me to say again? Slain?"

"Slay." James corrected.

"That's the same word, just different tenses." Adeline said brushing off her mistake.

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