"nice grip"

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Leo was right.

When James exited his tryouts on Monday, no one questioned him. He didn't have to fight to get attention, he didn't have anyone yelling that he didn't earn his position. James was seen as a true captain. And he felt like shit for it.

"I'm gonna go hit the Room of Requirements for a few sets." James said to Fred, George, and Roxanne as they headed out of the locker room.

"Why would you work out after try outs?" George asked confused.

"Just felt like I didn't work hard enough. Too busy checking all of you out."

"Just don't push yourself too hard." Roxanne told him, "I'm going to go hang out with Pandora."

"Ugh. Imagine having other friends." Fred said flicking her ear.

"Sorry I don't want to hang out with my brother and cousin all the time." Roxanne replied sticking out her tongue.

"And me!" James said offended.

"I'll hang out with you anytime Jamey. But not right now. I have female friends too."

"Lammeeeee." George yelled as she walked off.

"You guys coming with me?" James asked as he began to head down the hallway towards the Room of Requirement.

"Nah man. You ran us hard." Fred responded.

"I'm exhausted." George agreed.

"Take my quidditch shit then." James said handing his gear off to them.

"Yes sir. Don't stay out too late." George demanded.

"Okay dad." James said rolling his eyes as he walked the other direction.

"Don't go sneaking off to Malfoy either!" Fred called out, prompting James to just flip them off from behind his back.

James worked out until he could barely stand. He wasn't entirely sure why he was punishing himself like this, but he felt like he needed to. It wasn't fair that Malfoy was the only one who seemed to have to struggle.

James knew that his name got him far. So much so that he had debated switching to his mother's maiden name when he was younger. He was always terrified of being told he only got something because of his dad. He never expected Leo of all people to open up his eyes to the fact that it wasn't just his name that made his life easy.

When James left the Room, he decided to go find Roxanne instead of hanging with the boys. He pulled out the old Marauders Map and found her and Pandora at the library.

"Hey." James said sitting down next to them.

"Hi?" Roxanne said confused.

"Hello!" Pandora said cheerfully.

"Roxanne, do you feel like you work twice as hard as me?" James asked getting right to the point.

"Yes. You do not study at all and yet you somehow get better grades I don't under-," Roxanne started to talk bitterly before getting interrupted.

"I mean for Quidditch." James clarified.

"Oh for Quidditch no. You are always working out and practicing outside of our set times. I pretty much just coast."

"Okay." James said as he took in her answer.

"Why?" Roxanne asked intrigued.

"Well I- I've been talking to Malfoy and she expressed how life was for her and since you're also a fema-,"

"- We all go through things differently Jamey. Besides, whether or not she cares to admit it, Slytherins tend to be a little more sexist than Gryffindors."

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