"stay bitter"

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Leo had been allowed to skip Wednesday given the circumstances. But she refused to miss more than that one day of school, so on Thursday she pulled herself out of bed and got ready for class.

She had expected the whispers and glares when she walked into the Great Hall the next morning. She's grown used to it at this point. However, she didn't expect the reason why they whispered.

"How much?" A Ravenclaw Leo didn't know watched up to her before she sat down.

"Excuse me?" Leo asked.

"How much for head? McLaggen said you're quite skilled."

Leo's jaw dropped and she couldn't help but laugh, "You're fucking me?"

"I mean that's my goal." The boy replied cheekily.

Wordlessly Leo just turned to Marco and Bianca who had the same shocked looks on their faces. "I-I... I'm going to you walk away right now. Mhm. That's what I'm going to do." Leo pushed passed him and took her normal seat at their table. A few of the girls sneered at her while the guys all seemed to wink or smirk.

"You never...." Marco began to say before drifting off.

"Nope." Leo confirmed.

"So he must've..." Bianca began.

"Yep." Leo laughed once more in complete disbelief, "He told everyone we had sex. I'm.... I just. Wow."

"That's really fucked- Leo why are you laughing right now." Marco said appalled at her losing her shit.

"I didn't think it could get worse. I.... I.... This is so crazy. Insane. Why would he- How could he.." Leo looked across the Great Hall towards Gryffindor table where Chase sat with his friends. He made eye contact and his laughing with his friends turned to a glare. Leo didn't glare in response, she just looked at him with her mouth partly open, awestruck at him audacity. He broke eye contact and Leo looked back to her friends, "I'm the school tramp."

"You are no such thing." Bianca scolded her.

"That's how they all see me. How did this manage to happen. Why does everyone keep bloody accusing me of having sex with everyone? And why would they care if I did! You know what." Leo said grabbing a croissant before standing up, "I do give great head! But that poor little bitch ass wife beater never even got a chance to experience it!"

While meant for Marco and Bianca, Leo's outburst drew the attention of some of the other Slytherins who immediately began gossiping about her claims.

Leo headed to Muggle Studies early since she knew Chase wouldn't be there.

"Hey." James said taking the seat next to her like usual.

"Hi." Leo replied with a half smile.

"Doing okay?" James asked concerned as he got out his notebook.

"Nope." She replied honestly.

"As to be expected." James said casually, yet strangely validating.

"Yep well I went from being scared of being seen as a victim to instead going back to whore status so." Leo replied bitterly.

"Yeah a bloody fourth year was talking about it his morning." James said shaking his head angrily, "Such a fucking bastard. Didn't anyone ever tell the prick not to kiss and tell."

"It was all lies." Leo said surprising James, "I never so much as kissed him let alone had sex with him or sucked his dick."

"What the fuck? I thought it was bad enough when he was just spreading it around, but the fact it was lies too..."

how to be a pureblood 101 // j.s.p.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora