Chapter 17

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(authors pov)

The next morning, y/n and Sasuke met to train as they had discussed the night before. it was quite normal but there was a tinge of nervousness considering the 1st stage of the Chunnin exam was today i.e. the written test. Everybody was sure they would pass but they were very worried about Naruto.

During lunchtime, the whole team gathered to meet Kakashi sensei and take some tips before the exam. He got late as always so they had to go to the examination hall regardless.

As the test began, the ninjas started answering questions, and Sasuke and Sakura observed closely. To their surprise, Naruto was struggling even with simple questions like, "Is it okay to lie to protect someone you care about?" and "What does loyalty mean to you?" Despite his best efforts, Naruto couldn't seem to figure out anything.

apart from Naruto everybody got done with their tests with complete assurance that they would pass. They kept trying to help naruto but to no avail. the examinator was way too skilled and way too strict. 

When the time was up, the examinator asked one final question. , before asking the question he gave the ninjas a simple choice- if they are not confident that they will pass, they could walk out but their whole team would fail but if they stay and fail they would not be allowed to contest in the chunin exams ever again. 

Tons of people left. Yn, Sasuke, and sakura were scared that Naruto would leave too, but he decided to stay no matter what. In the end, they ended up passing!

Later that evening the whole team celebrated and after that went to kakashi to the training grounds. He congratulated all of them and then asked them to get ready for the intensive training for the next exam which would start today. He asked everybody to spar with each other. He wanted to see what level everybody was on and how much they needed to train in order to pass.

<yn pov>

Today's training session is going to be really fun. I'll take down sakura first then naruto and then sasuke. it's going to be easy with Sakura but Narutos very unpredictable and Sasuke is a worthy opponent .

<authors pov>

As the battle started, y/n effortlessly defeated sakura and even naruto this time, leaving them in awe of her powers yet again. However, when she faced Sasuke, it was intense and challenging. He displayed remarkable skill and cunning tactics, testing Y/N's abilities to their limits. Despite the fierce struggle, her determination prevailed, and with a burst of her special powers, she defeated sasuke as he ran out of chakra, proving herself as the strongest ninja among her peers. It's safe to say that Kakashi was shocked.

<kakashi pov>

"Y/n and sasuke are on a good level but you both can push and strengthen yourself more, but I am extremely disappointed in the other two of you. Especially you naruto. As a team you all are on a very average level and that will get you nowhere. So, i recommend each and every on of you to forget all other things and focus solely on training and honing your skills. It will be preffered that you train as a team. I will take a test at after 3 weeks and see where you stand again. Please try not to dissapoint me yea?"

I gave this lecture to all of them and then asked them to disperse and enjoy the rest of the day as it will be their last day of fun and rest for a long time. They have a long way to go and I must help them reach there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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