The hero who loves the villian

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With everything all said and done, Hiccup and Toothless were standing just out of reach of the finish line with their friends surrounding them, ready to see what happens.

"You ready for this?" Elsa asks Hiccup.

Hiccup smiles and nods his head in confirmation. "Let's do this."

Toothless takes a few steps forward and the second they cross the finish line, Hiccup is lifted off of the back of his dragon who watched as sparks begin to float off of him and spun him around.

"Whoa! What the-what? Sparkles?" Hiccup asks as he's spun around as he finally becomes part of the game again. "What's going on?! Elsa?!"

Hiccup now grows 6'1" and his hair becomes somewhat scraggy and unkempt with two small braids behind his right ear. And to have gained a leaner, he somehow gained a stronger build as compared to his previous self. His prosthetic is also different, as it's more mechanical and designed than before, making it like a Swiss army knife for prosthesis.

The village also suddenly resets and turns back to normal as the people of the village return and all of their memories suddenly came back and they remembered Hiccup.

"I remember." Gobber said as he kneeled to Hiccup. "Chief Hiccup."

The riders all gasp in remembrance of who he was. "That's right, he's the chief!"

"We're sorry for how we treated you!" Astrid drops to her knees, begging for forgiveness.

"It was Astrid's idea!" Ruffnut states.

Hiccup smiles as an idea comes to mind. "As your humble chief, I declare everyone who has ever been mean to me shall be...executed."

That causes all of them to gasp and cry in terror.

"Oh my god." Anna says in shock.

"Power went to his head." Heather says.

"I'm just messing with you, quit your whining, Astrid." Hiccup tells them as they all begin pulling themselves back together.

"Wow." Elsa says, walking up to Hiccup who turned to face her. "So this is who you are. Chief."

"Come on, Elsa, this outfit doesn't chance who I am. I'm still me." Hiccup promises her. "I'm still the same dragon racer, just with the greatest power ever." He then starts glitching all over the place before appearing back to face Elsa. "I'm not giving that part of me up. Neither the part that likes you." He promises and pulls her into a kiss.

"Awwww..." Anna coos in sweetness and Kristoff scoffs before noticing the time.

"Hey, Royals, we gotta get you back to your game before the arcade opens!" Kristoff warns them.

Elsa and Hiccup keep kissing until finally breaking off. "Will I see you again?" He wonders.

"I can always come back at night. But I got some other things to fix before anything." Elsa says before bowing to Hiccup. "See you around, Chief Hiccup Of Berk." She then walks to follow the others back home.

Hiccup watches them leave and smiles. "See you later, Queen Elsa of Arendelle."


Litwak opened up and was getting ready to unplug Princess Anna of Arendelle when he noticed Elsa was back and the game is back to normal.

"Hey, Elsa's back!" Litwak cheers happily. "The family's all here!"


Elsa then returns to Bad-Anon with some good news for the members.

"So, I'm happy to report, and you'll be happy to hear, I'm taking life one game one at a time." Elsa tells them and they all begin to clapping in happiness.


Elsa was then back in her game and her castle was destroyed once again.

"Of course, the job isn't different." Elsa gets out from under the rubble and sees a cake waiting for her with a writing over it. "But now the citizens are all being nice to me."



Elsa strolls back up to the ice castle followed with some of the non-gamed characters. "And I was thinking of those poor fellas without games and decided to rent out my castle for them to go during the night."

Elsa was currently in the castle and was finally having an overdue talk with her sister. "And I finally have a real relationship growing with my sister."

"And guess who was the bridesmaid at her and Kristoff's wedding." Elsa was standing at an alter for her sister and Kristoff and Hiccup aside her with a few tears in his eyes. "And a few tears were shed."


Elsa's standing on the balcony of her castle and watches as Anna makes her way through the forest and is fighting off her monsters.

"But I gotta be honest, the best part of my day is when my sister makes her way up to fight me. Because when I look out from my balcony," Elsa looks out and sees Dragon Riders and sees the current gamer is riding as Hiccup and have come down the finish stretch in fourth place, "and I can see Hiccup racing."

Hiccup then uses his glitch powers to give Toothless a boost and makes it into First place right at the finish line, causing the gamer to cheer in victory.

"The players love him, glitch and all. Just as I do." Elsa smiles as she watches Hiccup gain a wining coin and scratches Toothless' chin just as he took notice of Elsa watching from a distance and waves to her game. "Turns out that I don't need a medal, or any award to prove I'm good." Elsa waves back with a smile just as she sees her sister's made it to her castle and goes to get ready to fight her.

"Because if that amazing hero loves me, how bad can I be?"

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