Knight Warriors

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Elsa quickly made her way out of Tangled and began to look around for that game the girl came from.

"What was it she said it was called? Warrior something." Elsa mumbled to herself as she looked and finds a game labeled as Knight Warriors. "Knight Warriors, that's it!" She took a few steps and trips on something.

The person she accidentally tripped on was Agent P, who he and the rest of his characters have nothing better to do during the day due to the fact their game was unplugged than walk around Game Station.

"Sorry, Perry." Elsa quickly apologizes. "It's me, Elsa. Don't say anything." She asks of the platypus and makes her way into Knight Warriors, leaving a very confused Perry.


Back in reality, the arcade has just been opened and a young girl has just placed their quarters into the game and hits play and gets the backstory to the game.

The screen reveals a meadow with trees and animals everywhere. "This once happy place has been turned evil by a spell that is like nothing seen before." The screen cuts to a witch performing the spell before being destroyed by it. The screen shows a nice village that was suddenly attacked and ran out of their homes.

"Now, this once peaceful village is out to protect their loved ones from the animals that have been transformed and taken over by the evil spell." All the animals in the game are suddenly turned into dark versions of themselves with glowing red eyes and pitch black bodies.


In the arcade world, Elsa made it off the train into the game, she is met with a dozen of other people with her as they all hand out crossbows and arrows for weapons.

"All right, everyone, I'm only gonna say this once." A man says ahead of the group of villagers with has shoulder-length, golden-blond hair, light brown eyes and fair skin with a light dusting of freckles across his nose. His nose is quite big and his cheeks tend to redden a lot, because of the cold weather this game generates. He was the main leader of the village: Kristoff. "Fear is a four letter word, if you're going to chicken out, you'll only get one of the others killed. It's time we take back the meadow!"

Everyone cheers and Elsa is beginning to question what she got herself into.

"First person shooter coming through." One of them warn as everyone looks to see a robot carrying a crossbow walks through with a screen for a head.

"That's cool." Elsa comments as the screen reaches up to Kristoff who arms his crossbow.

"Gameplay in three, two, one." An announcer says as a kid's face appears on the screen.

"We are the last line of defense." Kristoff told the kid on the screen. "Our mission: get to the top of the mountain, and stop this curse! You ready? Let's find out."

Just then, the village goes dark and the creatures begin to come out of the woods and towards them.

"Oh my god." Elsa whispers as she and the others all run out the village.

Elsa begins to run through dozens of explosions and attacking animals as an owl comes down to attack and Elsa quickly ducks and drops her crossbow in the process.

"What is happening?!" Elsa cries in terror as she begins to use her powers to hold them back.

"Dark-Trolls! On your right!" Kristoff warned the gamer. "Take them out!"

The gamer kid begins to open fire on them with the crossbow they're given to play with.

"Watch your moves, kid, these things adapt to their environment and the situation." Kristoff warns the player.

Freeze it, ElsaWhere stories live. Discover now