
Start from the beginning

"I know Tae. He is a baby and plus he is your son-"

"Whatever and yea make sure to keep your maids away from him, he personally doesn't likes to be around females. Don't forget to take him out for his evening walk on his walker everyday. And last but not the least, enjoy your vacation."

"I feel like I am taking him away from you both for a whole year."

"Oh no you can't. I am letting you to take him with you for weekends and it is more than enough." Taehyung said with a big smile.

Seems like his father side is showing up a lot.

Jimin sighed and sat down on the sofa with a huff.

"Yea yea. You and your possessive as-"

"No dirty talk in my house when Yeonjun is here." Taehyung spoke strictly.

"Comeon dude you must be kidding me." Jimin huffed, looking cute that it made Taehyung to laugh at his friend's silliness.

"BTW, thanks though." He spoke with a small smirk.


"Because of you... me and my bunny can finally have some time for ourself." Taehyung spoke with a smile which looked anything but innocent.

"I know bitc-"


"I mean bish. Now give me my cute nephew so I can take him already." Jimin said with puppy eyes, trying to coax Taehyung who sighs and nodded.

"I will be right back." He says and moves up, going to his room to see if Jungkook is done or not.

"You done Koo?"

"Yea Hyung...... but now comes the main task. We have to wake Yeonjun up." Jungkook said while eyeing Yeonjun's stuff to see if he has forgotten anything or not, having both of his hands placed on the either side of his waist.

"He is sleeping till now?"

"It's normal for him to sleep for 3 hrs in the evening.... but now we have to wake him up." Jungkook sighs and moves towards his son's crib who was sleeping peacefully, having both of his fists cutely clenched around his blue shark blanket.

"I don't wanna wake him up."

"But we have too bun."

"But he looks soo cute and peaceful..."

"We can't possibly send him with Jimin while he is sleeping, he will create a fuss when he will wake up."

"Right.." Jungkook bends down on his knees and slowly moves his hand forward, softly caressing Yeonjun's cheek to wake him.

"Wake up Yeonie... look.. mumma is here... today you are going on a small vacation..... wake up my little tiger..." Yeonjun squirmed and shifts, finding a different angle to sleep more comfortably.

Jungkook sighs and look towards Taehyung.... who was making a funny face for some reason?

"Hyung I can't-"



Jungkook makes a done face.

"Thanks Hyung." He said sarcastically and turns towards crying Yeonjun.

"Shh shh... it was dadda cub. No need to feel scared... shh." He comforts, having the baby in his arms as he slowly pats his back in a comforting manner while slowly bouncing him in an attempt to make him quiet.

"Shhh shh Yeonjun is a strong boy. He is very brave right Junie." Yeonjun clenched his fists tightly around Jungkook's shirt, trying to be as close as possible to him in order to feel safe.

Mafia's Cute CEO [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now