ch. 5

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"You dare deny your Goddess? Blasphemous ingrate, for you are not worthy of power."

In the depths of water, your body feels weightless, and the darkness seems to engulf you entirely. You struggle to open your eyes, feeling disoriented and uncertain of your surroundings. The voice, haunting and familiar, echoes in your mind, unsettling your thoughts.

"What is this place?" you ponder, feeling a sense of unease as the water surrounds you, its depths unfathomable. As bubbles escape your nose, you try to regain control of your senses, attempting to understand why you find yourself in this mysterious place once again.

"Why am I here again?" you question, your voice silenced by the water around you.

"Foolish ephemeral speck."

The words taunt you, and you can't help but wonder if they hold some deeper meaning or if they are mere figments of a dream.

Suddenly, a shadow of a mysterious creature passes over you, causing shivers to run down your spine. Your heart pounded in your chest as you tried to keep your composure, but the anxiety gnawed at you relentlessly. You felt small and vulnerable in the vastness of the underwater realm, and the fear of the unknown threatened to overwhelm you.

With determination, you mustered all your strength and attempted to swim upwards, desperate to escape the depths that seemed to suffocate you. However, your efforts proved futile, and you found yourself sinking deeper into the abyss.

"Why can't I escape?!" you questioned yourself, your mind racing with confusion and fear.

In the darkness, the memories of your encounters with the voice resurfaced, and you couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this realm than meets the eye. But before you could make sense of it, you were overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness.

Frantically, you tried to control your breathing, reminding yourself that you must stay calm, but the pressure of the water was oppressive, making it hard to focus. In a moment of desperation, you tried to reach out for any source of light, any sign of hope to guide you to safety. But as you stretched your hand, you only felt the chilling embrace of the water, pulling you further down.

You tried to scream out as loud as you could, but the water filled your mouth, muffling any sound you made. Panic surged through you as you desperately kicked and thrashed, trying to break free from the water's suffocating embrace. Your heart pounded in your chest, and your lungs screamed for air, but there was nothing you could do. You felt like your body was betraying you, and the world around you blurred in a haze of terror.

Just when you thought you couldn't hold on any longer, a sudden surge of strength swept through you. It was as if an invisible force lifted you from the depths of the water, and you felt yourself being pulled upwards. Your body broke through the surface, and you gasped for air, your heart still pounding in your ears. Your vision was blurry, and you struggled to make sense of what was happening.

You blinked in the daylight of your bedroom, the details of the nightmare still fresh in your mind. Your heart was still racing from the vivid experience of being trapped underwater, and you took deep breaths to calm yourself down. The transition from the suffocating depths of the water to the safety of your room left you feeling disoriented.

"That voice again. Why?", you whispered to yourself.

You glanced around your room, trying to ground yourself in reality. The familiar sights and sounds brought you comfort, reassuring you that you were safe, but the lingering unease remained.

You mustered the determination to push yourself out of bed. Your feet touched the cool floor, grounding you in the present. With a deep breath, you made your way to the washroom.

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