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Olivia's P.O.V

Today is the day! The day I officially become Mrs. James. I dreamt about this day for a long time, and I couldn't have asked to be marrying the love of my life. Spencer and I have been through a lot together and we have been there for each other every step of the way, now I get to have him by my side for the rest of my life.

My bridesmaids, Kia, Layla, and Davita all made their way to my dressing room as they couldn't believe how beautiful I looked in my wedding dress.

"OMG, Liv! You look beautiful. Spencer is one lucky man, he's going to be at a loss for words." Kia told me.


"Yeah, girl." Davita chimed in.

"I'm happy I get to see my sister-in-law finally tie the knot." Layla said as she walked up to me and we hugged each other.

"Me too. The right man came into my life and I couldn't be happier."

We all hear a knock come in and we see Ms. Grace come in.

"Is everyone dressed?" She asked closing her eyes.

"Yes." We all said to her.

When Ms. Grace looked at me, she couldn't help but smile. "You look beautiful Liv. Words cannot describe how thankful I am that my son has you in his life."

"Thank you, Ms. Grace."

"Ladies would you mind waiting out in the hallway, I wanted to speak to Liv alone in private. And don't worry, I'm not going to cause any trouble."

We all laughed as the bridesmaids left my dressing room, leaving me and Ms. Grace a chance to talk to each other.

"Liv. I have dreamt about this day for my son for a really long time. Ever since he first met you, it's like I finally got my son back."

"What do you mean?"

"After everything that happened to him in the past, he was very distant and wouldn't be involved with me or the rest of the family. He was afraid we would leave him as Corey did, but once he finally let you into your life, there was hope, and now Spencer and I have a strong mother-son relationship. In addition, he met an amazing woman that he is going to spend the rest of his life with, and I am proud to have you as my daughter-in-law. I'm sorry for telling you this at the last minute, but I wanted you to know how much you have meant to me, Spencer, and my entire family. I love you, Olivia."

She hugs me and I hugged her back. "I love you too, Ms. Grace. And since we're talking to each other about this, words cannot describe how thankful I am to have you in my life and now I get to call you my mother-in-law. Even the first day I met you, you welcomed me and Brianna with open arms. You've treated her like she is your own granddaughter, and as a mother, it brought me tears of joy."

"Blood or no blood, Brianna is and will always be my granddaughter."

I smiled. "But what I'm most thankful for is the man Spencer has become. You raised a wonderful man Ms. Grace and I am thrilled that I get to spend the rest of my life with him and the family we've created. I wouldn't want anyone but Spencer James as the father of my children."

"He will go above and beyond for them, just like I know you will with him."

"Yes ma'am."

"Alrighty Liv, let's get down that aisle."

I smiled as now I was ready to become Mrs. James.
Spencer's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that today came and I was going to marry the love of my life.

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