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Olivia's P.O.V

(TW: Violence)

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard someone knocking on the door. When I opened the door, it was the last person I expected to see. "Hey baby, surprised to see me?" Devin said. "Devin, how did you get out?" I asked as I was trying to get away from him without making it too obvious.

"I have my ways Liv."

"What do you want Devin?"

"You've ruined my life one too many times Liv, and now it's payback. Your little boyfriend isn't here to save you."

"You're wrong about that."

"Am I? Look behind you." I turned my head and see Spencer on the floor unconscious lying down in his blood. I ran to him as fast as I could.

"Spencer! Help! Somebody, please! Help! Spencer! No! No!"

"Don't worry Liv, I'll take real good care of Brianna." He reaches for his gun and points it at me. Seconds later, Devin pulled the trigger.

Present Time....

"Ahh!" I woke up and noticed that Spencer was not there on the bed. I ran to Brianna's room, and she wasn't there either. "Brianna! Spencer!" Still no response. I walked downstairs and called for Brianna and Spencer. Nothing. I started to panic and was wondering what happened to them. I was about to reach for my phone to call 911, but then I saw Brianna and Spencer walk through the front door. "Hi, Mommy!" Brianna says as I ran and hugged her not wanting to let go. Tears were streaming down my face as if I thought I lost my daughter.

"Liv, what's wrong?" Spencer asked me.

I walked up to Spencer and slapped him without hesitation. "Spencer, why did you take my daughter without telling me where you were going?" He was in shock as to why I slapped him.

"Mommy, why did you hit Daddy?" Brianna asked.

"Brianna, Daddy is fine and going to talk to Mommy right now." Spencer says as he turned on the TV for Brianna.

We made our way into the next room. "Okay, Liv. Look, I'm sorry I took Brianna, but I thought you knew from the text message I sent you, along with the note I left taped to the door just in case. I saw how peacefully you were sleeping, Brianna was up, and I didn't want to wake you so I took her out to get some breakfast." That explained the box of doughnuts and coffee Spencer brought. "But Liv, I love you. Don't you know that I would never ever hurt Brianna or you?"

"I think that-" Spencer cuts me off. "Don't tell me what you think. Tell me what you feel."

"I feel that you won't hurt Brianna."

"Or you."

"Or me." Spencer walks up and hugs me and I held him not wanting to let go. "I'm so sorry Spencer. I didn't mean to slap you."

"It's ok Liv. You're a mother and I know you were worried about Brianna and meant no harm towards me."

"I just had this nightmare and that's when I got scared."

"What happened?"

"I had a nightmare that Devin got out of jail and he found me. I was speechless, but I knew I wasn't alone. But that's also when I found out I was wrong. I saw you on the floor in your own blood. I tried to wake you, but it was no use. You were already dead. Then Devin pulled out a gun on me and the last thing I heard from him was that he'll take real good care of Brianna. Then he pulled the trigger." Tears still fell from my face and I slid to the ground, but Spencer held me on the way down.

"Baby I'm so sorry. But I promise you, nothing will ever happen to me, you, or Brianna. I'll make sure of it. Both of you mean everything to me. As for Devin, he's long gone. Davis told me after him being charged with sexual assault, he would be sent to jail without the possibility of parole." I held onto Spencer, not wanting to let go as I was still crying. "I got you Liv. I got you."

"I don't know what I would do without you, Spencer James." I cupped his face and kissed him passionately and he kissed me back.
Spencer's P.O.V

I can't even imagine what Liv went through all those years she was with Devin. Who abandons their own child? Liv and Brianna didn't deserve to go through that alone. But I'm here now, and I will continue to do right by them.

"Daddy" Brianna gets my attention.

"Yes, baby girl." I said to her.

"Are you okay? Why did Mommy hit you?"

I picked Brianna up and sat her on my lap. "Brianna, Mommy was just worried about where you were. She didn't know that we went out to get breakfast this morning."

"Mommy loves you very much. You're her entire world. But baby girl, Mommy and I are fine. And I'll always be here for both of you." Brianna smiled and hugged me.

"I love you, Daddy!"

"I love you too Brianna." I said to her and saw Liv from a distance and she couldn't help but smile. "Thank you." She mouthed and I smiled back giving her a nod and reached out for my hand to come join us for a movie.

We all were on the couch like one big happy family and enjoyed the rest of our morning.

A Few Hours Later....

Jordan and I were getting some extra practice in before the start of OTA's tomorrow. "Hey bro, so how are things going between you and Liv?"

"They're going great Jordan. Liv and Brianna have really meant a lot to me. And I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I can see myself having a future with them. Now before you say anything Jordan, nothing big has happened yet. Both of them still come over from time to time, and I haven't her to move with me. I want to be sure when I ask her that, and being in the best interest of Brianna as well."

"Spence. If anyone is the right person for my sister, it's you. All the time we've spent together, whether it's family activities or double date nights, it's been clear to me that you are the one for her."

"I know, but there's also the meeting I have in a few weeks with the Rams about the potential contract extension. We couldn't come to an agreement on a contract extension a few weeks after the Super Bowl, so they decided to franchise tag me before the final deadline. If tomorrow's meeting doesn't go well Jordan, then other teams will be willing to make me an offer. I want to stay in LA, but the Rams should've offered me a contract where I would get paid as the best receiver in the NFL. If it's a little less from the other teams, then I'm willing to take a pay cut."

"Spence. If anyone can help you get paid as one of the top receivers in the NFL, it's my sister."

"Ain't that the truth. Come on J. Let's get the rest of this workout in."
Devin really affected Liv in the past, but Spencer will continue to be by her side no matter what. Brianna is starting to see Spencer as her father and Liv couldn't be happier to see that. We'll see how the meeting goes and if Spencer can get a contract extension with the LA Rams. Please excuse any mistakes or grammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section.

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