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Olivia's P.O.V

As Spencer and I got back to my hotel room, I couldn't help but think about how much fun I had today. Spencer has gone out of his way to make sure I was happy. How could any woman take this man for granted? My thoughts were interrupted when Spencer got my attention.

"Hey Liv?" He said to me.

"Yes Spencer." I smiled.

"There's something I wanted to ask you."

"What is it?

"Do you want to have dinner with me tonight?"

I couldn't but smile. "Yes. I'd love that. What did you have in mind?"

"I made reservations at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant."

"You didn't." This man is something else.

"I sure did. I know it's not the actual Eiffel Tower like it is in Paris, the restaurant had good reviews."

"It's perfect Spencer."

"Well our reservations aren't until 8pm, but I need a few hours get ready. So, I'm going to head back to my hotel room right now, I will pick you up here out front."

"Sounds like a plan."

We smile each other and say our goodbyes as I start to head back to my hotel.

A Few Hours Later...

"So, be honest with me girl, how did I look?" I ask my friend Kia on FaceTime.

"Oh my god girl that is your dress. Spencer is going to have breath taken away from him when he sees you wearing that." She says to me and I blush a little.

"Girl why you acting you are embarrassed?"

"Sorry Kia, it's justI haven't been on a date in years and I just don't want to mess this up."

"You're not going to. Ever since you've gotten to Vegas for Super Bowl week, and every time we talk, you've always mentioned Spencer."

"Well he makes me happy, but the more I've gotten to know him, the more it scares me."

"And why's that?"

"Because not only are we friends, but he's also my client."

"You didn't?"

"I did. I represent him now and we have an endorsement deal with Adidas this week."

"Congratulations Liv!"

"Thanks girl." Kia notices the sad look on my face.

"Well what's wrong? You don't seem happy about it."

"I am. It's just so complicated right now because I'm starting to have feelings for him. He has never made me so safe, but I don't want to lose him."

"Liv, listen to me. You told me Spencer makes you happy. You spent the entire day with him when he could've been doing something else while he was her for the Super Bowl. But if you're worried so much about this Liv, then take a step back. If you have to take things slow, then so be it. Choose yourself Liv because at the end of the day, not only do you have to decide what's best for you, but for Brianna as well."

"Thanks Kia."


I looked at the clock and notice it's almost 8pm.

"Oh man I better hurry."

"Ok girl I'll let you go, but I'll see you on Sunday."

"Wait you're coming in for the Super Bowl?"

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