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A/N: Before you read this chapter, I wanted to inform you that this chapter contains violence and may be disturbing. If do not feel comfortable reading this content, then I would advise you not to read it. If you do decide to read this chapter and comment, please do so respectfully.
Olivia's P.O.V

(TW: Violence/Explicit Language)

"Hi, Dylan."

"Damn, it's good to hear your voice?


"Never got a chance to catch up Olivia. How the hell are you?"

"How are you calling me? You should be-" Devin cuts me off.

"What I should be in jail? I'm on bail sweetheart."

"Wait. This is Dylan's phone."

"Yes it is. Cool phone by the way. Nice photo lens, twenty-megapixel camera."

"Oh my god." I reacted when Devin sent me photos of Dylan beaten to a pulp.

"Yeah, I picked him up right in front of his house. The little bastard didn't even see it coming."

"Looks like Spencer doesn't care about making sure his brother is safe from harm knowing he's a big-shot football player and he's a target. Which means his loved ones are also a target."

"If you fucking touch any of them Devin I swear-" Devin cuts me off again.

"You're not going to do shit, Olivia!"

"What do you want Devin?"

"What do I want? I want my fucking life back Olivia! I was living a great life before you came back. You're the reason I lost EVERYTHING! I lost my family. My job. All because of you bitch!"

"Devin, I had nothing to do with that."

"Forget about it. If you want to see your future brother-in-law again, get me $10 million in cash by 6:00 pm."

"That's less than two hours Devin. That's completely impossible."

"Oh please. You are smart enough to negotiate to get big-time contracts for your clients as their sports agent. You'll figure it out. Oh and Olivia? Don't tell anybody about this. Not your fiancé. Not his family. Or he'll get his little brother back in pieces."

"Jesus Devin. Please."

"Keep your phone with you."

"No, let me talk to Dylan. Devin? Hello?" He hung up. "Oh my god."

I'm freaking out right now, but I had to keep my composure as I needed to get the money to Devin, or else he was going to kill Dylan.

I left my office and made it back home a few minutes later. Luckily, Spencer wasn't home, and I needed to pick up some bags for the money before going to the bank.

I walked upstairs to my closet and was looking for the bags when all of a sudden my phone rang; it was an unknown caller ID, but then I thought to myself it was Devin since he told me to keep my phone on me. "Yes?"

"You know Olivia. I gotta hand it to you. Dylan has some fight in him when he head-butted me as I was talking to him. But I ended up knocking some sense into him for pulling some shit like that."

"Jesus Devin. I'm doing what you're asking me. Just please don't hurt Dylan."

"Clock's ticking Olivia. You better get me my money. Tick tock."

I went into the office as I needed my checkbook to make a withdrawal. When I got my checkbook out of the drawer, I noticed there was a gun covered up, so I decided to take it with me.

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