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Olivia's P.O.V

This was a day to remember. Seeing my brother on the field winning the Super Bowl for the first time was nothing short of amazing. I could only imagine how crazy he and his teammates are celebrating in the locker room and spraying each other with champagne bottles.

But I have to admit, none of them would be like that had Spencer not carried the team and kept them motivated that the game wasn't over. Being down 35 points in the second half was very difficult to overcome, but if anyone could do it, it would be the Rams led by none other than Spencer James.

I truly believed in him the moment he walked back out on that field. He really does love the game of football. Out of the clients I represent, no one shows more determination than Spencer; especially after what I saw from him tonight.

My thoughts were cut short when I saw Ms. Grace walking in my direction.

"Hi, Olivia."

"Hello, Ms. Grace."

"I just wanted to thank you. My son told me what you said to him at halftime. I've never seen him determined and to see him on that field celebrating with his teammates and coaches is a mother's joy."

"Of course Ms. Grace. I know Spencer can always play at a high level, and I knew he needed a reminder of who was at halftime."

Ms. Grace couldn't help but smile. "You really care about Spencer. Do you?"

"I do. I'm happy to be representing him, but the kind of man he is off the field is why I have had feelings for him. I'm sorry if it caught you off guard at first Ms. Grace, but I wanted to be honest with you."

"And I can appreciate that Liv. You have continued to do right by my son. And to see how hardworking you are as well along with taking care of Brianna, I admire you Olivia Baker. I've been down this road before, and to see someone achieve their goals is a great feeling. I wish you and Spencer nothing but the best."

"Thank you, Ms. Grace." We hug each other.

A few seconds late Brianna runs to me with a football jersey in her hand. "Mommy!" She yells. "Hey baby girl. Who gave you a football jersey?" I asked.

"Spencer did, but I wanted to give it to Ms. Grace." She hands Ms. Grace the autographed jersey.

"Aw thank you, Brianna." She says and hugs my daughter. "You're welcome." She smiles back.
Spencer's P.O.V

I couldn't believe how tonight turned out to be. This was one for the books. "Hey Spence!" Jordan yells at me. "You're still here?" He asks.

"Yeah. I just don't want tonight to end."

"You know I never asked you, but how did kick that second gear in to help us win the game."

"You really want to know?"

"I do."

"Someone special reminded me of why I love playing the game of football. Without her, a different outcome would've happened tonight."

"Who was it?"

"It was Liv."

"Well, I'm glad she was there to help you out."

"Hey Jordan can I tell you something?"

"What's up, Spence?"

"Liv is not only my agent, but we've been seeing each other ever since the first day I met her; back at the barbecue."

"I was wondering when you were going to tell me!" He smiled and I was surprised by his response.

"Wait, you knew?"

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