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Olivia's P.O.V

After leaving Spencer at the Bellagio, I started to make my way back to my parent's hotel to pick up Brianna. When I got to their hotel room, I knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door opened and I saw the one person who always made me feel better when I was going through tough times. "Mommy!" Brianna jumped into my arms while I hugged her and tears started to fall from my eyes. "Hi Brianna, I missed you." I said to her.

"Mommy, why are you crying?"

"Oh Brianna, mommy is just happy to see you." My parents saw how much I missed Brianna, but they also knew something else was bothering me.

"Hey Brianna, Grandpa is going to take you downstairs to get some ice cream. I want to speak to your mother and we'll join you in a few minutes." My mom said and I was confused.

"Okay grandma." Billy took Brianna downstairs and left me and mom to talk.

"Liv, what's going on? Did something happen at the meeting?"

"No mom, everything went well. Spencer is now a part of the Adidas family and made an offer he couldn't refuse."

"That's great news Liv! But why aren't you happy about it?"

"Because I'm starting to have feelings for Spencer."

"What? When did this happen?"

"Ever since the first day I met Spencer, he's the only man who has always been there for me when I'm either having a good or bad day, and he's also been there for Brianna more than her own father. I'm afraid to let him in because I'm afraid this will end badly like it did when I was with Devin." I started crying when flashbacks of Devin came back.

"Oh sweetie, listen to me. I may not know Spencer that much, but what I can tell you is he is nothing like Devin. I even met with him at the barbecue and got to know him some more. He may not be a single parent like you, but he has been involved with the similar things you went through when you were pregnant with Brianna."

"Like what?"

"When he was only six years old, his father left him, his mother and little brother. He blamed himself for what happened. And he has been hesitant about getting into serious relationships because he was afraid they'll end up leaving him." When my mom said that, I was in shock. I already knew about Alicia cheating on him, but not about his father leaving him.

"His own dad really left?"

"Yes, but Spencer also told me he came back and wanted to make things right. It took some time for him to come around, but when Spencer forgave his dad, their time together was cut short again."

"What happened?"

"His dad died from cancer and Spencer was heartbroken."

"I could only imagine how Spencer felt."

"And it all started to make sense as to why he stays away from the media. He avoids the drama. Spencer is a mature young man, but it was devastating to hear what he went through."

I thought to myself from what my mom told me about Spencer.

"So you see Liv. Spencer can relate, but if you're starting to have feelings for him, then have an honest conversation with him. Then at the end of the day, you have to decide what's best not only for you, but for Brianna."

I nodded my head then hugged my mom. "Thanks mom. I love you."

"I love you too sweetheart. Now, let's go downstairs and meet Brianna and Dad for some ice cream." I smiled and we made our way downstairs to the ice cream shop in the hotel.
Spencer's P.O.V

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