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Spencer's P.O.V

After this past weekend at Jordan's house for their family barbecue, I was happy that he invited me, and it was exactly what I needed. I also enjoyed meeting his family as well, especially Olivia. I even met her a few times after the barbecue. It was nothing big, just coffee, lunch, and times where we talked to each other over the phone when we wanted someone to hear us out. Makes me realize that you're not alone. I really do enjoy spending time with her. Brianna is lucky to have her for a mother. The way Liv is committed, not only to her daughter, but working as a strong independent woman, makes me wish I could have someone like that by my side. We've become really good friends, and I there were times where I wanted to ask her out on a date, but I didn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.

Friday morning...

Me and the rest of the team get on the plane to go to Las Vegas for the Super Bowl, my phone starts to ring and I see my lawyer's number pop up. Ever since I found out Jack was stealing from me; my legal team has been contacting me non-stop to make sure we have all the evidence that show's Jack was stealing money from me.

"Hey Davis, what's up?" I asked. "Well I know you got your hand full and I'm happy to tell you that, the case is closed." Davis informed me of the good news.

"What already?"

"Yup, and thanks to the evidence you provided us, it was a clear-cut case that Jack's been stealing from you since you entered the NFL."

"What happens now?"

"Well since the case was in our favor, you will be rewarded $10 million, and you should've seen the look on his face when he was convicted for embezzlement and received $100,000 in fines and sentenced to serve 20 years in federal prison."

"Damn, the judge or jury did him dirty."

"We let's just say we have found a track record of Jack embezzling from professional athletes before he met you."

"Well he got his karma for sure, and he's regretting on stealing from me because I wasn't going let that slide. Anyways Davis, thank you for your help."

"Anytime Spencer, and also, good luck in the Super Bowl."

"Thank you."
We finally land in Vegas and the first thing I decided to do was go to my hotel room when Darnell walks up and tries to get my attention. "Yo Spence, where you going?" Darnell asked me. "Hey Darnell, I'm jet lagged and I just want to lie down and get some sleep before we have to practice tomorrow morning." I said.

"Come on me bro, we are Las Vegas. Why don't we go site seeing, hit up the casinos, or some clubs?"

"Because I ain't trying to get jumped Darnell."

"You won't, I already got some of the other guys joining up with me and we'll have our team body guard around."

"Look man, I don't know if you this, but we are here on business, not vacation."

"I know Spence, but you've been uptight lately and we just make sure you good."

"I'm going to do a raincheck Darnell. I appreciate you looking out, but I've dealing with some personal matters lately and I'm just trying to have a clear head for our next game."

"Alright bro, if you change your mind hit me up."

"Will do. And Darnell; stay out of trouble. Last thing we need is for one of our players to end up in a jail."

"Don't worry Spence. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

"Just be smart."

"Later Spence."
As I'm sleeping in my hotel room I hear someone knocking at my door. I really didn't want to get up, so I just ignored it thinking they'll go away eventually. A few seconds go by and someone is still knocking at the door. "Alright I'm up!" I yelled at myself.

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