[ The Window ]

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CHAPTER 35 [ New Orleans, 2011 ]

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[ New Orleans, 2011 ]

"So we had a late night visitor last night then?" Davina smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at her sister as she entered the kitchen. Georgia sighed, setting the spatula on the counter as she ran a hand through her hair.

"He didn't stay long, took him approximately 5 minutes to piss me off. You probably want to call Marcel, Thierry's dead." Davina's face fell as she sat at the counter.

The girl sat up, resting her elbows on the kitchen counter. "Elijah killed him?"

"Yeah to get back at Marcel for his little stunt last night. I just can't keep doing all of this anymore you know?" Georgia frowned, mixing the eggs in the pan. "There's always something with him. It's never simple"

Davina frowned slightly, looking up at her sister. "You really like him don't you?"

"I think I do... like when I see him with Hayley, I get mad. He doesn't even like her and I know that but I'm still jealous" Georgia plated the eggs and slid a plate across the counter to Davina. "But when I do have his full attention something always gets in the way. Celeste was right - his family will always come first"

"You need someone who chooses you, G" Davina smiled as she ate.

"I know but it's frustrating, because I catch myself looking for him, wanting to be with him but he's a bad person- no he's just done bad things but he's still not the kind of guy I want you to see me with." Georgia frowned, taking the seat beside Davina.

"What do you mean?" Davina raised an eyebrow.

"I want to find someone that shows you what to look for and to avoid, you know? I want to set a good example. I don't want us falling into the same cycle that mom fell into with dad. You wouldn't know much about that but they hated each other while also loving each other and I was young but I still saw it, it still impacted me." Georgia sighed, taking a sip of her coffee as Davina changed the subject.

"What about Mr end of the bar?" She laughed. "How's he?"

"He's nice, we have fun together. I didn't have that with Marcel. We didn't go on dates or any of that stuff but I don't think it's going to go much further"

"Do you know what I think is needed?" Davina smirked. Georgia watched as she stood and walked to the storage closet within the living room.

"A vacation!" Georgia laughed as Davina pulled two suitcases out and spun them around the room. "Cmon you said you're sick of all the drama here! Let's go somewhere fun and forget about it all"

"And where would we go?" Georgia chuckled, watching as Davina stepped towards her and pulled her from her seat.


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Georgia had decided to drop by the compound in order to sus out what Klaus was up to with Genevieve before her short trip with Davina. She made her way happily down the streets of New Orleans, an iced coffee in her hand as for the first time in a while she felt carefree. Her chat with Davina had cleared her mind, sorting out the endless torment within it. All she ever needed was her sister, her normal teenage sister and not the all powerful super witch. She now appreciated the wind in her hair and the warmth of the sun upon her skin as she walked with a kick in her step. Things were normal again. She was happy.

But all that came crashing down as she approached the compound, before she would have kept her eyes glued to the ground, fearful of the judging eyes of the witches or Marcels vampires but with this sudden boost of happiness she was glancing towards the sun when she saw them.

Hayley and Elijah. His arm placed firmly upon the back of her head, his daylight ring glistening through Hayley's hair in the sunlight that was let in through the open window. They were kissing, passionately by the looks of it. Georgias heart fell to her stomach as she stood in shock at the sight. They pulled away from each other, a beaming smile plastered across Hayley's face, to which Elijah softly smiled in return.

People on the street dodged Georgia who was stood smack bang in the centre like a bollard, unwilling to move as the pair stepped away from the window. Tears pricked in her eyes as she continued walking, past the large wooden doors of the compound like she had originally planned.

She had a lot of questions about Elijah and what they felt for each other, hundreds even but now she had thousands. He made no sense and it infuriated her. She asked herself if she had fabricated this situation, was it all just in her head? Did he feel anything for her at all? She had been asking herself these questions for months, since the first day she had looked at him in a different light and had noticed the soft freckles upon his skin and the many colours within his hair in the sunlight. Now these questions had a much deeper meaning, she never would have guessed that he felt something for Hayley - to Georgia it always appeared a matter of concern rather than feeling. He was never concerned for Hayley in the way that he was concerned for her.

Georgia never knew why Elijah took such an interest in her, she was well aware he was not one for trust, he had told her himself. But yet he would look for her in a crowded room, ask her about her day as he dropped by late at night. She pondered if he did the same with Hayley, if he knocked on her bedroom door, if the pair chatted about their day and their current dilemmas as he played with her hands. She wanted to know if they laughed with one another - she felt special when she would see him laugh or crack a joke, it wasn't his natural demeanour and for awhile she believed she was the only one who had seen him like that. But she couldn't be sure anymore.

She wasn't even entirely sure what she felt for him. She just knew she cared about him, in a different way to the other men in her life. She wanted him to see her succeed but also to comfort her on bad days. She just wanted him around and she couldn't explain it. Perhaps she had let Klaus' comments about the two of them get into her head, they had once confirmed her questions and queries and now they just appeared to be sick jokes. Klaus could be evil at times.

Now she was glad to be leaving for a few days, she needed a moment to process this without the possibility of having to face Elijah or Hayley upon the street. Being elsewhere ensured that they wouldn't just pop up around street corners and Elijah definitely wouldn't be coming through her window late at night as she cried. He wouldn't be coming in through her window at all anymore, Georgia swore to herself as she made her way back home that her window would remain firmly locked from now on. No more late night visitors and no more Elijah.

Not after that.

If he was happy with Hayley, she would allow him to be. She wouldn't be bitter, after all he never was truly hers.

PERIPETEIA ⚜️ E.MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now