An addams reunion

Start from the beginning

Enid, physically, stuck out like a flower in a field of ash, vibrant against a sullen backdrop. The entire Addams clan seemed to almost exclusively dress in black; even the members that had been assimilated into the family in one form or another matched the aesthetic. They were a heavy cloud of black smoke, terrifying and respected. But Enid had always been unapologetic about herself, and although nervous to meet the family at all, fell back on her safety net of vibrant pink fashion.

But emotionally, the werewolf fit right into the ever-changing puzzle, every member of the family immediately taken with the lively werewolf, and had insisted upon heaping praise and affection on her. Wednesday had already found her crying in the bathroom once this evening, so overcome with being accepted by the family, that she simply couldn't hold back the tears. Wednesday had lovingly swept away the tears and reached up to press a small kiss to her lips, before she helped put her girlfriend back together.

Wednesday feigned a heavy sigh as she looked up at her mother, "She is assimilating as easily as one would expect."

Morticia smiled, lightly shaking her head before she ghosted a touch over Wednesday's shoulder.

"She is perfect, my beloved little flytrap, you have chosen well."

Wednesday ignored the flutter in her chest as the comment, her eyes returning to watch the blonde, catching a brilliant smile across her face that made her pulse quicken. She was so far gone for Enid Sinclair, and it made her grateful every single day for the woman that had stolen her heart. The music changed in the house, the double doors to the grand ballroom opening wide, letting the family funnel in for the traditional dances. Wednesday finally entered the living area and stopped beside her intended, dark eyes sparkling in the flickering candle light. She nodded her head in greeting to Ronan before she offered her elbow to Enid.

"Won't you join me?"

Enid glanced up at Wednesday, her cheeks flushing slightly as she looked over her girlfriend. Wednesday was dressed in a perfectly tailored pinstripe suit, an intricately patterned silk vest tucked under her blazer. A wolf-head lapel chain adorned the inky dark blazer, and Enid flustered every time she saw it, Wednesday's open affection for her constantly taking her breath away. She flashed a brilliant smile before she turned toward her new friend, tossing up a small wave in goodbye as she stood and hooked her arm through Wednesday's. She leaned into the petite woman and pressed a soft kiss to her hairline, right above her ear, before she leaned back and smiled down at her girlfriend.

"Darling, where are we headed?"

Wednesday lifted Enid's hand to press a small kiss to her knuckles before she gently placed it back on her arm. Her eyes locked on the comforting blue, her pulse jumping under her skin as she took in the ethereal beauty of her beloved. The blonde's hair had grown longer over the years, Enid less and less likely to cut it, the soft waves falling just below her shoulders. Still, there were colors tinged at the edges, all blues and purples and pinks, that Wednesday had grown so accustomed to. Her scars hadn't faded, but the claw marks were one of her favorite things about the wolf, and she kissed them as often as she could. She reached up to do just that, pressing a warm kiss to her partner's cheek, eventually remembering that Enid had asked her a question.

She couldn't fight the small smile, "Now is the time for dance, mon tout."

Enid smiled happily, squeezing her girlfriend's arm as they fell in line behind other members of the family, the expansive ballroom lined already with groups of people. Gomez and Morticia stood in the center of the dance floor, the pair locked in a fiery Paso Doble. Wednesday guided her and Enid to the wings of the audience, her hand still firmly atop Enid's as they stood together and watched. The dance ended and a roar of applause met the enamored couple, the pair taking a dramatic bow before the family scurried to the dance floor, a series of choreographed dances spinning through the night.

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