Then Clarke started to bang on the metal, and Octavia jumped forward to grab her arm. "Stop! They'll know we're here," she tried to reason, and Clarke took a few steps back. Astoria watched them both closely, knowing that she would be responsible for stopping the brewing fight when it got too big. "What about Lincoln? There's no way he'd have gone along with a plan like this."

"He didn't," Clarke shook her head. "They took him."

Then she had her pistol up and aimed at the keypad beside the door. Astoria rolled her eyes and grabbed it to shove it back down. "What's wrong with you?" Octavia hissed, but Clarke only grew louder.

"I am getting through that door!" she decided, and Astoria took a step back and ran a hand over her hair. If they got any louder, the Mountain Men would be on them in an instant.

"And that's your plan?" Octavia countered, shaking her head before continuing. "Bellamy's counting on you, everyone's always counting on you!"

Both girls were screaming now, and Astoria released a deep breath. "Well, what do you want from me?" Clarke cried, clearly overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last hour. Octavia lowered her voice, almost to make her words hurt more.

"You trusted Lexa," she hissed, and Astoria shook her head. They didn't have time to fight. "You let a bomb drop on Tondc, you let all those people—"

"I am doing the best I can—!" she defended, much louder now.

It was Astoria's last straw. 

"Shof op!" she screamed, not able to calm herself and keep her voice quiet. She was tired of everyone fighting with each other. They didn't have time for it, because for all they knew Bellamy was being drilled into as they spoke.

Almost as if he knew she was thinking of him, the door behind them clicked open. All three girls turned with their weapons up, but Astoria took a step forward when Bellamy rushed through it with his own pistol out in front of him. He was wearing a Mountain Man's uniform, and his hair was wildly unkept, but God did his presence make her knees nearly buckle.

"Bellamy..." Octavia breathed out, and she quickly closed the gap between them and wrapped him up in her arms. Astoria watched them for a moment, or more accurately, she watched Bellamy, before Jasper was on her and hugging her so tightly she released a huff.

She didn't expect it, and when Monty came and joined in she finally forced her arms up from her sides to return it. She had never hugged either of them previously, but she was sure they had a long two weeks, and she couldn't deny that it felt good to have them back. To know that they were okay.

"I knew it," Octavia started after she separated from Bellamy, and Jasper and Monty pulled away from Astoria to face her. "You two are too scrawny to drill," she joked before hugging them both, and Astoria laughed quietly.

Then she was looking to Bellamy, and she couldn't wait any longer before grabbing either side of his face and pushing their lips together. It was passionate, and exactly the breath of air they both needed, but it was terribly short. He could have kissed her for hours after the last few days, and she could've said the same, but instead they pulled back and looked over one another.

He smiled, "Nice war paint."

She laughed and brought up her hand to rub some of the black paint that smeared over one of his cheeks. After a moment they fully separated, because they knew their fight wasn't finished. The others were still trapped, and they couldn't waste anymore time.

"Where's your army?" Bellamy asked Clarke, and the girl shook her head before responding.

"Gone, just like yours," she whispered. Astoria closed her eyes. "Say you have a plan."

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