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Adeline Pov:

"Help in what?" 

David voice boom in our ears and we both turned to him. He came closer to us and sat beside me. I flinched at my place when he wrapped his hands around my waist and give me little massage there.

"Huh?" He asked

"Nothing, it's just that we're planning to go shopping tomorrow." I said and he think for minute then nodded his head. I give little peck on his cheek.

"Let's go, we are going now." He said as he stands up from the chair.

"Wait, I have to say bye to mom and dad." I said

"I already did."


"No but, doll" He firmly said and wrapped his hands around my waist again. why he always behaves like this?


I unwrapped his hands around from my waist and went to Diana and hugged her.

"What time will you come tomorrow?"

"10 o'clock" She said and I nodded my head. I turned my face to him, and he was already glaring at me.

"Done?" He asked and I nodded my head. Again, he wrapped his hands around my waist and dragged me towards car.

We reached home and first thing I do is take warm shower. I relaxed my muscles in warm water. I turned off shower and started drying myself.

"Shut the hell up, just do as I say." I heard David yelling at someone. I quickly wear my night grown and came out of the bathroom.

I looked here and there but he was not in the room. Then my attention fell on the balcony. His back was facing me. I start taking step near him but stop in my way when I see some smock.


He is smoking cigarettes. I haven't seen him smoke a single cigarette since I came into this house. I take deep breath and go to him.

I wrapped my hands around his torso from back and rested my head on his back. He didn't even move from his place.

I want to stop him but if I stop him, he will be angrier and far from understanding me, he will not listen to me. I try to control myself best but when he takes out his second cigarette from his pocket. I lose my control.

I quickly break the hug and stood in front of him. He narrowed his eyes at me when I glare at him.

"I want to try." I asked


"I also want to smoke cigarettes. I want to taste it too." I said but he ignored me.

He never ignored me! I really want to kick him now, but I control myself taking deep breaths.

He was about put cigarette between his lips, but I was quick enough to take from his hands. I looked it and started taking near my mouth but-

"Doll" He warned me, but I ignored him and take cigarette to my mouth. It was about touch my lips when David grabbed my hand and jerked it off. He pinned me against the wall and looked straight in my eyes.

His eyes are red like he wants to kill someone, but his eyes softened when I slam my lips on him. He tightened his grip on my waist and started kissing me back not kiss, he is literally eating my lips.

"Ahh" I whimpered in pain when he bit my lower lip to hard. I don't problem with this but I'm testing cigarette he smokes a minute ago.

I know he stressed but that doesn't mean he can play with his health. He breaks the kiss and buries his face into my neck, and I pecked his head and started caressing his hair. He relaxed his muscles in my touch.

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