"What the hell was that?

-I was just trying to protect your anonymity.

-What anonymity? No one would have thought anything of me if you hadn't grabbed me by the waist!

-Then I guess soon people will go crazy trying to find out who my mysterious date is."

I opened wide eyes:

"What date?"

Bartholomew didn't answer and turned to an important looking person that just showed up:

"Mister Virion! It's such a pleasure to have you here with us. I heard that you were looking for our pink room."

Bartholomew nodded very seriously.

"I see. I imagine you know the rules.


-When the doctor goes to Austria...

-He admires the brown view and eats stracciatella ice cream."

The man seemed satisfied, but he didn't let us through immediately:

"You can go in, but your friends should stay behind."

Bartholomew didn't like that and he tried grabbing my waist again but I flew away and got as far away from him as possible. Bartholomew didn't seem to like that and clenched his fists.

"He is staying with me."

The man shrugged:

"I am so sorry, Mister Virion. I don't make the rules. Only you can enter.

-I am going nowhere where I can't see him."

The man pretended to think for a second, but his smile made me shutter and without realizing I took one more step back. Bonnie immediately placed herself in front of me to shield me from the dangerous gaze and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Very well. What about a kiss?"

Bartholomew looked so disgusted that the man laughed:

"I wasn't talking about us two. However, I have to say, I can't help feeling hurt. Is this your honest reaction to having to kiss me? I thought I was a looker.


-You shouldn't be so honest with someone who has something you need, Mister Virion."

I rolled my eyes. If only he knew. He was way worse than this.

"I meant with him."

I wondered why everyone turned to me when I noticed that the man was pointing at me.


-If you two kiss, you can all get in."

Gardenia and Zadimus seemed very against it:

"Is this a joke to you?

-How can you make jokes in such a situation?"

Bonnie continued shielding me, Bartholomew however didn't seem against it at all. He turned to me and smiled for the first time since we arrived:

"That wouldn't be so bad.


He shrugged:

"It's just a kiss.

-I am not kissing you!"

The man started laughing:

"Man, that must have hurt."

Bartholomew pretended to be sad:

"I am just taking one for the team. If we don't kiss, we won't be able to go in together. If you prefer to stay here I won't hold you back, however I must admit, I don't mind kissing you at all.

-You... No!"

Gardenia stepped in:

"I can kiss him instead."

For once I was grateful for Gardenia's presence but the man shook his head seriously:

"Him or no one. You chose."

Bonne immediately looked at me:

"You don't have to, Aed. Let's go home. We will come another day."

But was it okay? We came so far. We really needed to find out more about this world and the murder. I really didn't want to kiss this man that I hated more than anyone, but it was just a kiss after all. It would only last a second and I wasn't going to die. Right?

"Do you have any disease?"

Bartholomew's eyes started shining:

"I am perfectly healthy, and I ate a mint before coming? Do you want one too?"

I rolled my eyes before grabbing him by the collar and forcing our lips to collide:

"Oh, shut up."

I only pressed our lips together for a second before pushing him away with all my strength:

"There you go."

But Bartholomew grabbed me behind the nape and pulled me back:

"Is this what you call a kiss?"

And he kissed me full on the mouth. The kiss took my breath away and I had to cling to Bartholomew's arm to maintain myself in place. When he finally pulled away, I hit him with all my strength left:


Bartholomew smiled:

"Only for you."

The man seemed satisfied because he handed us a key and when Bartholomew walked past him he patted him on the shoulder:

"Thank you, Edwin. I owe you one."

This made me flip:

"You know him?"

[BL] My enemy became my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now