Chapter 25

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Back in the present :

Bartholomew slowly pulled me closer by the nape and he started closing his eyes slowly as I was getting closer, staring straight at my lips. I couldn't help licking them by reflex and started feeling very self conscious.

I couldn't lie anymore. I didn't think it would be possible. Not in a month at least but loved this man with all my heart, and I was now ready to kiss him. However, that didn't mean I wasn't nervous. We may have already kissed in the past but having lost my memory, for me it was our first time. What if I wasn't as good as before the accident? What if he was disappointed? I knew that he said he would love me no matter what, but I couldn't believe it. Who would love a clumsy guy who couldn't kiss? Maybe at the beginning it would be cute but after years of being together that would just be annoying. At least I would be annoyed and I would kick him out. If after years of kissing him I couldn't make him improve, either he gets experience on his own or he leaves.

But was this the case for Bartholomew? He seemed to genuinely love me and I didn't think I could do anything to annoy him. Of course that was impossible. We must have already had fights in the past. He said that I hated him in the beginning but even after we got together it couldn't have been all pink.

I couldn't imagine Bartholomew angry at me but I was rather grumpy and got shy very easily so maybe that played a role in our fights. I really wanted to ask him if we ever fought but I realized that was just me panicking because of the kiss.

I was so nervous that Bartholomew noticed my shaking and he opened his eyes again before sliding his hand down to my waist and pulling me closer. He kissed me on the forehead with utter tenderness and smiled:

"We don't have to rush. I am so happy that you told me you loved me. Could you say it again?"

But I just frowned. Why did he stop me? Did he know that I would be bad? Was I bad even before? Why would he keep dating me if I was bad at kissing after three years? Did he never teach me? Did he never dare tell me? Had I been living in a lie all this time? No, I had to calm down. This was the very reason why Bartholomew didn't rush me: he didn't want me to be uncomfortable. I just had to prove to him that I wasn't:

"I love you."

Bartholomew seemed happier than ever and he buried his head in my neck, laughing:

"You love me and I love you. I love you. I love you."

He stopped:

"Does that mean that we are getting married?"

I rolled my eyes:

"Haven't I told you already?

-I want to hear it."

I sighed:

"Yes. We are getting married. I love you..."

I hesitated before adding:


Bartholomew suddenly looked up, his eyes dark:

"What did you call me?"

I did my best not to look away:


-Aed... Have you forgotten what we said? If you call me husband, I am going to kiss you."

I swallowed hard:


Bartholomew opened wide eyes before literally jumping on me. He surrounded my body with his arms and lifted me so high that I gasped. I didn't have time to close my mouth however, because I felt his lips crashing against mine. He kissed me deeply and all I could do was cling to him so as not to fall. It felt so intense and weird that I pushed him suddenly back. Bartholomew's eyes were still half open and he tried bending back towards me:

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