Chapter 28

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Less than a month before the accident:

Seeing me walk down the stairs, Bartholomew turned really red and his eyes couldn't stop going up and down my body. I was wearing a black t-shirt with sequins and my whole back was bare. Under that I was wearing black pants that stuck to my curves. Those curves were where Bartholoem's eyes spent the most time and I thought he would drool. Did he like what he saw? Did he like me that much?

"Kitten... You..."

He didn't have time to compliment me before I pulled out one of my earrings and threwit at him:

"You never learn, do you?"

Bartholomew almost got hit in the eye and Zadimus snapped:

"What is wrong with you? He could have lost his eye!

-I wish he would!"

Bartholomew just motioned for Zadimus to calm down before kneeling down to pick my earring up and handing it back to me:

"You look radiant as always."

I felt shy for some reason, and I didn't like it:


I tried walking past him, but he stepped in front of me:

"What do you think about me?

-That you are an asshole."

Bartholomew laughed:

"But I hope a good looking asshole at least."

I rolled my eyes:

"Why are you so full of yourself?

-I am just realistic.

-Then be realistic somewhere else."

I pushed him away and walked to the car. As soon as Bartholomew sat in the car, his good mood disappeared. We waited a bit for Bonnie to come and the latter walked up to the car door in a silver dress:

"Bonnie, you look amazing!"

She smiled, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear:

"Thank you. You look even better."

I tried sliding away to give Bonnie space to sit but Bartholomew blocked the door with his leg:

"You are getting into a different car."

Gardenia snarled at Bonnie and tried getting up too but she didn't have time to move that Bartholomew closed the door, the engine starting the next second. Therefore I found myself alone in the car with a very grumpy Bartholomew. I didn't even know where we were going until the car stopped. Bartholomew didn't tell me anything and, in the car, the only time he talked was to ask me if I was sure I wanted to come. I nodded and he went back to pouting.

When the car stopped next it was in front of a very illuminated club. I had no idea what club this was, but I could guess that it was a very fancy one judging by all the rich looking people in front and the paparazzi.

Bartholomew got out of the car and extended his arm towards me to help me out. However, I ignored him and helped Bonnie out instead. This didn't please Bartholomew and he made it obvious with his frown.

The second the bouncer spotted Bartholomew, he hurried to let him in, and all the journalists started taking pictures. Bartholomew immediately grabbed me by the waist and covered my face with his hand. I tried pushing him away, but he wasn't budging:

"Just for a few seconds. We are almost inside."

He was way stronger than he looked, and I couldn't get out of his hold. But as soon as the doors closed behind us, he did as promised and finally let me go.

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