Chapter 5

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Back to present:

Mister Virion pulled a chair and sat down next to me:

"We have been together for three years and have been living together for two. We have been planning our wedding for almost a year now and the date has been set two months from today.

-So... Are we getting married in two months?

-Yes. I will do anything you want but we can't change the date. We have been waiting for this day for a long time. What if you remember everything during those two months? You were waiting for that day impatiently.

-But how could I marry someone I don't know?"

Mister Virion smirked before bending very close to me:

"Oh, I will make you love me again. Two months are more than enough. Even if you don't remember, you will want that wedding.

-Why do you sound so confident?

-I made you fall for me once. I can do it twice."

I looked at him for a bit before nodding:

"Okay. But if I don't fall in love during those two months, we are not getting married.


He did seem very confident. Way too confident for it to be normal.

"What do you know that I don't?"

Mister Virion laughed:

"You have no idea how hard it was making you fall for me the first time.


-You hated me with all your heart when we met.

-Why? What did you do?"

Mister Virion put his hand on his heart pretending to be hurt:

"I didn't do anything. As soon as you saw me you decided that you didn't like me and it took me forever to change your vision. What else are you curious about?

-What's your name?"

Mister Virion smiled:

"My name is Bartholomew Virion and your name is Aed Neverbite. But you always called me honey and I would call you kitten."

I started blushing:

"I... I am not calling you that."

Bartholomew laughed:

"Very well. What else could you be curious about? You were born on the 20th of august and I was born on the 20th of november. Your blood type is B+ and mine is 0+. Your favorite color is beige and mine is maroon. You are 1m78 and I am 1m92. You love spicy food and you love sweets. You have no idea how to cook but love to eat. You are very good at cleaning and very bad at losing. You are a good artist and...

-Okay... I get it. That's enough for now.

-I am sorry. You must be tired. Let's wash up and then sleep."

He bent down to carry me again and I panicked:

"We are not washing up together!"

Bartholomew laughed and I went peony red.

"I was just going to carry you to the bathroom. But I would love to stay with you if that's what you want.


-Really? It seemed to me that that's what you were thinking about.

-It was just a misunderstanding.

-Very well. I will believe you this time."

Bartholomew carried me to the bathroom and in fact left me alone. I quickly cleaned up and came out of the room but as I opened the door I realized that I had to sleep with Bartholomew and did my best to calm down. We were just going to sleep. I was just going to sleep next to that gorgeous man who was my attentive husband and I was gay. Everything was going to be fine.

"Are you okay?"

Seeing me stand for so long, Bartholomew started worrying:

"Do you need help walking?

-No, it's okay."

I walked up to the bed and climbed next to Bartholomew. I hadn't realized how exhausted I was and fell asleep quickly after laying down. The next day I woke up feeling a bit stuffy and when I tried to move I realized that there were two more hands on my body than usual. I looked behind me and was only half surprised to see a sleeping Bartholomew. I tried wiggling out of his arms but that only made him grab me tighter and he growled into my ear:

"Sleep some more. You need rest."

But I really had to go to the bathroom so I didn't stop wiggling and Bartholomew sighed:

"Can't sleep anymore?

-I need to use the bathroom."

He finally let me go and I ran away feeling my cheeks heat up. When I came back Bartholomew was already dressed and his hair was smoothed out. Me on the other hand, I still had bed hair and dried saliva on my face. Seeing me like that, Bartholomew smiled before walking up to me and caressing my cheek:

"I could admire you for hours."

I blushed from head to toe and pushed his hand away:

"Don't do that.

-What is making you uncomfortable?

-The touching.

-I see. I am sorry, I made you uncomfortable. But you were the one who crawled into my arms during your sleep.

-Was I?

-Yes. You couldn't stop mumbling that you were cold and grabbed me.

-I am sorry.

-You don't have to apologize. I love having you in my arms.

-Don't say that."

Bartholomew laughed:

"Are you getting shy?

-Yes. Let's go to eat."

He laughed again:

"I missed your orders.

-Did I order you around a lot?

-I told you, at the beginning you hated me so you would only talk to me when you wanted something from me.

-I am sorry you had to go through this.

-It's okay, I liked it.

-That's... Weird.

-Do you think so? Maybe it is. I just felt happy whenever you paid attention to me.

-I will pay attention to you. You are so nice and are very attentive towards me. I will do the same for you."

Bartholomew looked way too happy and that hurt my heart.

"Will you? I can't wait to see it."

He lifted me again and carried me to breakfast before putting me down on my chair. We weren't alone in the room and there was the man that we had passed last night. He had gray hair and was wearing black. He looked like a butler and the way he was standing was saying the same thing. I guessed he must have known me from before I lost my memories but now that I didn't remember him he was a stranger and we should introduce ourselves to strangers. It was awkward but I smiled:

"Hi, my name is Aed."

The butler bowed politely:

"It is always a pleasure, Master Aed. You can call me Perridot.

-Oh, you don't have to call me Master. Just call me Aed."

Peridot looked behind me for some reason and shook his head:

"I wouldn't dare.

-Oh... That's okay.

-Please help yourself. If you need anything else, just tell me.

-Thank you so much."

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