Chapter 26

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A month before the accident:

Bartholomew did leave on a few more errands without us and I started getting very bored. I couldn't do anything if I didn't follow him on his missions and just had to stay home and stare at the wall. I already knew that I existed in this world so I thought about going out to meet the people "I" knew here. But that just felt wrong for some reason. I didn't want to pretend to be someone I wasn't. They knew one version of me but that wasn't the real me anymore. I did answer their messages to comfort them that I was okay but that was it. We shouldn't have been very close anyway because they didn't insist on seeing me and quickly gave up after I told them everything was fine. I did get fired from my job because of all the days missing so I was thinking about finding a new one. But working just gave me anxiety.

Bonnie was starting to get bored too and we realized that we wanted to continue following Bartholomew on his outhings. After all he was the main character in this world so sticking to him was the best answer to understand how we got here in the first place. Moreover, if we helped the story move on maybe we could get home quicker, or at least Bonnie. Maybe once the book was finished, the passage would open again. Or were we dead in our past worlds? I did get into an accident but maybe I was just in a coma somewhere.

We had no idea and we couldn't really find out except if we went back to where it all started. Bonnie still couldn't leave without Bartholomew so I was the one who went back to the hospital and to the alley. I didn't find anything and when I came home I had to disappoint Bonnie.


-Nothing. I looked for hours but everything just looks normal."

Bonnie started rubbing her chin:

"Maybe the location wasn't what was important. Maybe it was Bartholomew being in danger."

I thought about it. Bartholomew would have survived the attacks but Bonnie appeared just in time to save him all together. Without her he would have needed way more time to recover.

"Maybe you are right. So you just need to save him all together from the people who want him dead.

-But that's almost everyone. Should I stay here until he dies of old age?"

I shrugged:

"Maybe the person who killed his parents is still after him. Maybe we have to find the culprit and send them to jail before we can leave."

Bonnie sighed:

"So back to square one. We just wait. We can't even investigate if he doesn't let us tag along.

-You're right..."

Now it was my turn sighing.

"I hate that this was exactly what we were trying to avoid.


-I will ask him tonight. The quicker we find the killer the quicker you can go home."

Bonnie grabbed my hands:

"The quicker we can go home.


I smiled but didn't know if that worked for me too. After all, I existed in this world and I wasn't in the book. I didn't know why or how I got here. Did I even have a reason to be here? Maybe I just transmigrated. I didn't save Bartholomew so what could be my role? If I had one. I would worry about it when the time came.

As soon as I heard Bartholomew come home, I went to his study. Zadimus didn't seem delighted to see me but after last time he couldn't tell me to leave and just let me open the door in silence. Bartholomew turned towards the door with a frown which turned upside down when he recognized me. I knew he was going to call me kitten and I wasn't going to give him time to speak:

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