Chapter 3

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He covered me and handed me a glass of water:

"How are you feeling?

-I'm fine.

-Do you want to eat something?"

I shook my head.

"Are you sure? The doctor said that you needed some sugar.

-Then clementines."

He smiled again. This guy definitely loved smiling.

"Did you remember that you liked clementines?

-I... I don't know, I just started craving some."

Mister Virion took out his phone and five minutes later a full bag of clementines got brought to my room. Mister Virion started peeling a clementine before extending a segment to my mouth. He was waiting for me to eat it directly but I took it from him and ate it myself.

"Thank you."

Mister Virion fed me patiently and immediately went back to peeling the second clementine when I was done. While waiting I looked at the bag and asked:

"How rich are you?"

Mister Virion didn't even look up focused on the peeling:

"Are you curious about me?

-You are wearing expensive clothes, this room is not a normal hospital room and five seconds after I asked you to bring me clementines. Who are you?

-Who do you think I am?

-I don't know but you seem to care about me a lot."

He started laughing.

"What did I say?"

It was weird having this stranger care about me so much when I had no idea who he was. His worry for me seemed genuine and he was doing everything I asked for without a word. Who could he be?

"You must be confused. I will answer all your questions once you get discharged.

-When is that?

-In less than an hour. As soon as you get the discharge papers I will take you home.


Mister Virion couldn't stop staring at me and not remembering anything was very weird. Seeing this man care so much about me felt unbalanced. I didn't like it. Who could he be? I needed to know.

"Who are you?

-I am your husband."

I almost choked and Mister Virion rubbed my back with a smile.

"You are what?

-We can talk about it later. The doctor said you should rest as much as possible."

He took the glass from my hands and put it down next to the bed before wiping my lips. I immediately blushed and backed away.

"You don't need to."

Seeing me blush, Mister Virion smirked. I had thousands of questions for him now but he suddenly got called out of the room by a nurse. Before leaving, he kissed my forehead softly:

"I will be back soon."

Just as promised, half an hour later Mister Virion came back with the discharge papers and a change of clothes that he handed me:

"Do you need help getting changed?"

I immediately blushed and shook my head:

"I am fine."

Mister Virion started laughing before he kissed my forehead:

"No need to act all shy. I will wait for you outside. Take your time."

As soon as I came out of the room Mister Virion smiled at me and lifted me bridal style. I screamed and felt my cheeks grow red.

"What are you doing? I can walk. Let me down."

But Mister Virion didn't listen to me and carried me straight to the car before putting me on the front passenger seat. I felt really shy after that and didn't dare look at him for long seconds despite all the questions I had. Mister Virion let me calm down and we soon arrived in front of a huge white mansion. I didn't have time to look around because Mister Virion stopped right in front of the door and came to open the passenger door before lifting me again in his arms. My cheeks just gained back their original color but they suddenly went back to bright red. I felt so ashamed that I hid my face:

"Please let me down. I can walk.

-I used to carry you around all the time before.

-But I don't remember you. Sorry but you are a stranger to me so please let me down.

-The doctor said that you should rest. I will take you to our room.

-Our room?"

Mister Virion walked for what seemed like hours. The mansion had an infinite number of rooms and I had no idea how I could find my way around there alone. We passed a stranger and I wanted to say hi but Mister Virion didn't stop and continued walking past him:

"You will talk to the others later. The doctor said you should take things slow."

He finally stopped in front of a huge door and opened it while still holding me with one arm. The room was the biggest room I had ever seen. Or maybe it wasn't the biggest but I didn't remember ever seeing a bigger one. That room was big enough for six people to live in it. It had a bed way bigger than King size and had more windows than walls. Everything was white, blue and gold and there were a lot of curtains hanging from the ceiling. I really liked the decoration and when Mister Virion put me down on the bed I felt it was very comfortable. Seeing me touch it with a satisfied smile, Mister Virion smirked:

"Do you like it?"

I jumped, having forgotten that he existed and remembered that he had carried me all this way making me shy again:

"Yes. It is comfortable.

-Are you hungry?

-A bit.

-Stay here. I will bring your meal."

He kissed me on the forehead again and I wiped it with a frowned:

"Stop doing that."

Mister Virion laughed:

"Sorry. It's an old habit. I will try my best not to make you uncomfortable again. We will take things slow."

Mister Virion quickly came back with a platter of fuming fish soup. I immediately felt my saliva spill out of my mouth and wanted to take the plate from Mister Virion but he didn't move:

"I guess you would be uncomfortable with me feeding you.

-Of course.

-I see. Too bad."

He gave me the platter asking me to be careful with it. I ate very quickly while being stared at. Once satiated, Mister Virion took the platter back and wiped my lips gently.

"Thank you.

-Do you need something else?"

I quickly shook my head before looking around:

"Is this our room?


-Do we sleep here together?"

He found my question funny for some reason:

"Where else would we sleep?

-So we are married.

-Not exactly."

I frowned:

"What do you mean not exactly?

-I lied a bit. We are not married yet. We are engaged and our wedding is in two months."

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