Chapter 14

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Two months ago:

Bartholomew disappeared for a few days and during that time Bonnie and I were left alone in the mansion. Hearing that I woke up, Bonnie immediately came to my room and knocked before passing her head through the door shyly: 

"Aed? Are you awake?
-I am. Come in." 

She rushed in and closed the door behind her. 

"How are you doing?
-Please let's forget about me fainting and pretend it never happened.
-You don't have to be ashamed. You protected me and for that I will always be grateful.
-I kind of regret it so you don't have to feel grateful." 

Bonnie laughed before sitting down next to me: 

"Everything would have worked out fine even if you didn't help me right?" 

I frowned. How could she say that? Shouldn't she be getting mad at me right now? 

"It was a blank bullet so if you had let Bartholomew shoot me, it would have been over without you fainting.
-But you would have fainted." 

She shrugged. 

"Doesn't that matter to you? Wouldn't you have been mad if I let you get shot without saying anything?
-Why would I get mad? You don't have to protect me.
-What about Bartholomew ? Shouldn't you be mad at him for pointing a gun at you?
-It was a blank bullet." 

Seeing how confused I looked, Bonnie smiled warmly: 

"If you don't expect anything from people, you will never be disappointed, Aed.
-That doesn't mean you can't get mad at them when they hurt you! Not expecting anything from people and finding it normal to be trampled upon are two different things entirely!" 

Bonnie continued smiling: 

"I look pitiful to you, right?
-No... That's not...
-It's okay. I don't expect you to understand." 

I had no idea what to answer. What could I say? Bonnie's eyes looked completely empty. As if she had given up on everything. But that couldn't be true. 

"May I be honest with you?
-Of course.
-I don't believe you." 

Bonnie frowned. 

"If you really don't expect anything from people, why are you so eager to help them?
-I am just a good person.
-No, it's way more than that. You run into danger without any second thought for your own safety. As if you didn't care at all.
-That's the right thing to do.
-You want to be a hero so bad. You do your best for people and you are dying for someone to do the same for you." 

Bonnie pinched her lips: 

"Doing all this with that in mind would be selfish.
-You hate yourself. You hate yourself so bad. But why? What happened that would explain such deep hatred? 
-I don't hate myself.
-You do. You treat everyone better than yourself. You don't even tell Bartholomew the truth because you don't want him to be hurt. What do you care about his feelings? He almost killed you!
-What do you want from me? Should I tell him everything? 
-You can't because then you wouldn't have anywhere to go.
-That's not why...
-You hate it but that's what you think deep down. So you punish yourself for these selfish thoughts. But being selfish isn't necessarily bad. No one else will put you first if not yourself." 

Bonnie suddenly got up: 

"That's enough.
-People get mad at me all the time because I tell them what they have been running from. But you don't hate me for this either. Am I right?" 

She looked at me for a moment before sighing: 

"I know that you only want what's best for me, Aed.
-I will be here for you, Bonnie. I was about to leave but you are the only reason I stayed. I will help you because contrary to what you may think, you deserve help." 

Bonnie was about to answer but that was when we heard someone knock on the door. I had no idea when it got opened but Bartholomew was standing there, his two friends behind him. He was dressed in whole black as usual and his arms were crossed on his chest, visibly angry: 

"I didn't think that the second you were left free you would run to Aed. I knew I should have locked you up.
-I wanted to check if he was fine.
-Are you a doctor by any chance?
-No. But I still wanted to check on him for support." 

Bartholomew continued glaring at Bonnie and I had to step in: 

"She is my friend. Of course she would check on me.
-We have to go." 

Bartholomew didn't even look at me. It was weird being ignored and it pissed me off: 

"Hey, grumpy, don't pretend you can't hear me." 

When he turned to me, his eyes were cold. Did he finally get bored of teasing me? 

"I thought you hated interacting with me.
-I still do." 

He nodded and turned back to Bonnie: 

-Don't ask questions. We are late." 

Zadimus walked up to Bonnie and grabbed her arm to pull her out of the room but I immediately jumped up to stop him: 

"Let her go. She is not going anywhere.
-You are no one to argue with Bartholomew's orders.
-That's what you think. She is not going anywhere. Especially not if she doesn't know where you are taking her.
-It's okay, Aed. I will go.

It was her decision and I couldn't say that she didn't know what would happen. She read the story after all. 

"Then I'm coming too." 

Zadimus shook his head: 

"You are staying here.
-If Bonnie goes then I am going too.
-I am not your baby-sitter.
-I am not letting her go alone." 

Zadimus grabbed my arm to force me to let go of Bonnie but the next second Bartholomew pushed his friend away. Zadimus crashed into the wall and needed a second to understand what had happened but seeing that it was Bartholomew, he froze. He seemed genuinely surprised. Had Bartholomew ever used force against him? 

Gardenia looked even more surprised than Zadimus and after looking at Bartholomew, she lowered her gaze to her shoes, biting her lower lip. Wasn't anyone going to say anything? Bartholomew just pushed his friend! Why was everyone finding this normal? 

I tried going to Zadimus but the next second Bartholomew grabbed my arm and pulled me backwards. 

"What the hell are you doing? Zadimus-
-You don't have to care about him." 

Bartholomew looked at Zadimus and the latter pulled Bonnie out the room. Bartholomew was holding me back in place and didn't let me follow her. 

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