Chapter 4

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Two months before:

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the night sky. I really thought that I had died but it seemed the car didn't kill me. I got up ready to yell at the drunken driver but froze when I realized that I wasn't on that street anymore. Where was I? I looked around but didn't recognize this place at all. I was in the middle of a park sitting in the grass. How did I get here? Did I drink that much? Did I have a blackout?

I stood up and started looking for my phone but realized I wasn't wearing the same clothes as before. I did find a phone in my pocket but it wasn't mine. Surprisingly the phone unlocked to my fingerprint and I just stared at the screen for a few seconds. The wallpaper was a picture of me and another man that I had never seen. How did this phone have my picture in it? And how did my fingerprint unlock it? What did I do while drunk? Did I buy a new phone and take a picture with a stranger?

Thinking that it was all because of alcohol, I came out of the park and decided to find my apartment, take a shower and sleep for two decades. But nothing looked familiar. I couldn't find my street anywhere and when I typed it in maps, the app said that that street didn't exist. What do you mean don't exist? I know where I live. I tried typing it five times and even turned the phone on and off but it couldn't find my street and I had no idea where I was. I wasn't even sure that I was in the same city anymore.

It was very early morning and some people started coming out on the streets so I decided to ask someone for directions:

"Good morning, sorry to disturb you but do you know where the restaurant Lamarck is? It is close to my place and I can't find it."

The person shook their head:

"I am sorry I have never heard of it."

And the next five people I asked reacted the same way. What did they mean they didn't know it? I was so lost that I changed my question the next time even if I sounded crazy:

"Excuse me, is this city Lamorain?"

The stranger frowned:

"Lamorain? I have never heard that name before. Is it a small village?

-No, it's one of the biggest cities ever. I... Nevermind."

Where the hell was I? I felt like I was going crazy. Did I die when that car hit me? Was I in Hell? No, I never did anything bad. Why would I be in Hell? I must have been in Heaven. Or maybe somewhere in between. I had no idea at this point but it seemed I wasn't home.

Just as I was trying to understand the situation, a young woman suddenly came running out of an alley. She had run out so suddenly that I screamed:


The stranger froze too hearing me and both of us stared at the other while battling for our breaths.

"I'm sorry. You scared me..."

But I couldn't continue what I was saying because as soon as I had a better look at the stranger I realized who she was: Bonnie Stein. It was impossible that she would be Bonnie but she looked exactly like her so I started laughing. This day was getting weirder and weirder:

"Oh my god, did people ever tell you that you look exactly like Bonnie Stein?"

The stranger frowned:

"How do you know my name?"

I froze in turn:


-How do you know my name? No one knows me here. I have been trying to contact my family for hours."

I decided that this was way too much for me and started backing away but the next second the stranger grabbed my hand and as I turned back, I noticed that there was blood on her jacket:


Bonnie looked down and raised her eyebrows:

"It must have gotten on me when I saved that man.

-What man?

-Bartholomew Virion."

Nope too weird. I am out.


-Wait! How do you know me? Please... I don't know how I got here. Everything is different. I...

-I don't know you, I am sorry. I just got confused.

-You do know me. My name is Bonnie Stein, I am 26 years old and I think I died. One second I was drowning and the next I was here. I tried calling everyone but my phone can't join them. Did you get here from the other world too?

-No. You... No..."

It couldn't be. It couldn't be.

"We must be dreaming.

-That's what I thought too but everything seems way too real. I woke up next to that man.

-Don't tell me he had been shot.

-How do you know? He would have died if I hadn't found him.

-But he wouldn't have died anyway because he isn't real is he?"

Bonnie's eyes started shining:

"You know too! You really are like me.

-Not entirely.

-I am so happy that I'm not alone anymore! You have no idea how scared I was!"

She started hugging me and I tried my best to get out of her arms. I wasn't happy seeing her. She didn't do anything wrong but her being here meant that I was here too and I didn't like that at all.

"How can we go home?

-We can't. This is our world now. At least that's what's written.

-Written? Where?"

Shoot. I forgot that Bonnie and I didn't read the same version of the story. In her version she was the transmigrator but in my version I was. This was confusing.

"Speaking about what's written, we should hurry back to the hospital. Bartholomew will get attacked again.

-Wait. Are you sure you want to go back there?

-Of course. I can't let someone die. Especially if I could have saved them.

-Won't he be saved anyway? He is the main character."

You should know that better than anyone because in the story you had read, you didn't save him. He had been poisoned and barely saved by his best friends as usual. Moreover, Bonnie would get kidnapped after this! Shouldn't I do something?

"We can't know that for sure. What if our presence already changed too many things? We can't rely on the story anymore.

-Fair enough."

She didn't give me time to say anything else and grabbed my arm before dragging me to the hospital. Of course this was a private hospital and they didn't let anyone in. Bonnie stopped in front of the doors and turned to me:

"Let's pretend to be doctors.

-Can't we just tell them the truth?

-They would ask us how we know about the poison. And we don't have time to convince anyone.

-We could just lie and say we saw the killer."

She shook her head:

"No time, come."

I didn't have any choice and just followed what Bonnie said. We stole two doctor shirts that had been left there for some reason and rushed up to the last floor. We arrived just in time to see the nurse walk in with a tray and give Bartholomew water before turning to his infusion. The next second Bonnie was in and she pushed the nurse making her drop her syringe. I stayed behind thinking about what I should do. Should I just leave and pretend I never saw anything or should I save Bonnie?

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