chapter thirty nine

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We arrive at the circuit, and scan our key cards to get in. We immediately head to the Mclaren Paddock, although I wasn't read to see Lando, I had a job to do. I couldn't exactly take a day off work, on a race day.

"I'm scared" Victoria says as we enter with a nervous face.

"Me too" I reply as I hold her hand.

I see the back of Lando and Daniel sat down on some chairs. Me and Victoria walk towards them and sit down in the chairs, opposite them.

Daniel looks at both of us with a faint smile, Lando, however, couldn't even make eye contact with me. It was like he was looking everywhere else, but at me.

"Hi, guys. Ready to take some quick videos?" I ask them, nervously. I could feel myself stuttering at my words.

"Yeah, sure" Daniel replies, as he straightens his posture.

Lando didn't respond but he also stopped slouching and got ready for the videos, as his hand goes through his curls.

'Okay, so just talk about how you are feeling about the race." I ask, as I pull out my phone.

"Feeling good about today's race. Obviously, qualifying didn't go the way I wanted to but I'm hopeful that I'll be able to redeem myself" Daniel says with a smile as he looks over to Lando.

"Yeah, I'm also feeling really great about today. Managed to qualify P3, so hoping that works in my favour and that we manage to get past that Ferrari ahead of us" Lando explains with a smile, but all I could think about was how his tone changed dramatically when he mentioned Ferrari.

I end the video and look down at my phone, to rewatch it.

"Was that good enough for you?" Lando asked with a snarky tone.

"Yeah, thank you guys" I say with a genuine smile.

"Cool" Lando says as he immediately gets up to leave, not wanting to be sat with me any longer.

"Lando!" Daniel shouts as he turns his head to watch Lando leave.

Daniel turns back and looks at me apologetically.

"It's okay. He deserves to be mad" I say as I watch Lando disappear.

Daniel nods, then his eyes shift to Victoria who looked nervous.

"Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" Daniel and Victoria ask each other at the same time, which causes both of them to smile at one another.

"Yes, I'd like that" Victoria says with a nervous smile as they both stand up and head to a more private area.

There's no doubt that those two will make up instantly, they are perfect for each other.

I sat down on the chair, alone. I quickly edit the short clip I'd just filmed and post it on the Mclaren's social media.

I felt so bored and consumed by all my thoughts sitting here, so I decided to head out to the pit lane.

I make my way past the garages, looking down at my phone as I refresh the Mclaren post over and over.

"Hey, Ella!" I hear someone shout from behind me.

I turn round to see George waving at me, he's stood with Charles, Pierre and Alex.

I smile and walk towards them.

"Hey guys!" I say with a smile, making sure to look at all of them, even though it was so hard to break eye contact with Charles.

"Wanna come on a walk onto the circuit with us?" Pierre asked as he looked at the other drivers for confirmation, they all nodded.

"Sure, I'd like that" I responded with a smile and we all began to walk.

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