chapter two

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His beautiful green eyes locked into mine. He smiles and I feel butterflies in my stomach. He was wearing a tight black polo that hugged his body perfectly and matched it was black pants.

"Hi, can I get two waters please?" He asks with his deep voice.

"Sure" I said with a smile as I handed the water, breaking the long eye contact we just had.

As he began to scan his membership card, he says "I've never seen you here before."

"I could say the same thing about you", I responded looking up at him with a smirk.

He nodded and laughed, as he began to walk away. "Merci beaucoup" he said.

No customers had come for the past 20 minutes, which meant I was left with nothing to do. Except staring at the man who doesn't even know my name. Charles Leclerc was an amazing driver, one of the best on the grid. Ferrari were a force to be reckoned with. I always knew Charles was an attractive man, but seeing him in person was on another level.

I watched as he laughed with his friends, as he sulked when he didn't do well. He was captivating. I was so lost in gazing at him that when he looked at me from afar, I panicked and ducked behind the counter. Hoping, praying he didn't see that.

After a while, I saw him and his friends approaching the cafe. My heart skipped a beat, but I slowly calmed down when I realised where I was and who I was. To him, I was probably just a random worker, nothing more. When they got closer, I noticed a familiar face. Lando Norris, the number one driver for Mclaren. I could recognise his brown curls and his joyful smile anywhere. He was my father's favourite driver.

Lando grinned at me and asked, "Hey miss, do you know where the toliets are?"

"Just back here" I responded with a smile, trying to cover up that I was his biggest fan.

"I'll wait here" Charles interjected as he began to sit down on a stool, not breaking eye contact with me.

Lando and their friend nodded at him and both headed to the restroom.

Charles smiled and looked down at his phone for a second and then looked back up at me. "So, are you any good at golf?" He asks me with an intrigued face.

"Honestly..." I paused, "I'm terrible, I hate it" I confessed.

He laughed, "Why do you work here then?" he said, moving his stool closer to me.

"The pay is good and the tips are even better" I explained, as I began to start cleaning the tables. I could feel Charles' eyes on me.

I slowly look up to see two old men approach. "Hi, what can I get you two gentlemen?" I ask still hovering over a table as I clean it.

That's when I feel a hand on my lower back, feeling it slowly go down. I jump and see one of the old men grinning at me, he whispered in my ear, "You".

I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't know what to say, I just moved quickly away from him.

Charles stormed up to the old men and shouted, "What the fuck do you think your doing?" His eyes were full of rage, he got right into the man's face.

"Calm down, that's what she's here for" The old man responded with grin as he took a step back. I immediately wanted to just curl up into a ball and leave. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It made me feel disgusting.

"Leave her the fuck alone or else" Charles said in a threatening tone as he grabbed the old man by his shirt.

The man quickly understood that Charles wasn't joking and began to leave the cafe.

Charles turned to me as they left, rage still prevalent on his face. As we made eye contact, his eyes softened. "Are you okay?" he asked, coming closer to me. I nodded, not being able to form any words. Tears filled up my eyes, I tried so hard to keep them in but one escaped.

He rubbed my tear away, I smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying. This isn't the first time something like this happened."

His face looked sad or angry, I wasn't sure. "This shouldn't ever happen, to anybody. That guy is never coming back here, I can assure you" He said softy and then asked, "What's your name? I'm Charles"

"My name? I'm El-" I began to say until I heard Lando and their friend returning as they laughed loudly.

Both me and Charles took a step back from eachother, as we realised how close we were to one another. Charles didn't yet notice that they had returned, he proceeded to look at me, waiting for me to finish.

"Time to go, Charles" Lando shouted with a huge smile. Charles nodded and began to walk away. He waved me goodbye and I did the same.

I wish I told him my name. Not that it would matter though. He'd probably forget and he probably won't see me ever again, I'm quitting this job.

But then again, If Mclaren hire me, maybe I will see him again. Not that it would matter though.

He's Charles Leclerc. I'm nobody.

 I'm nobody

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