chapter twenty ninth

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The video with the Mclaren and Mercedes boys went better than I'd expected. I've got to really thank Lando for the idea, it was so great to see the drivers interact with each other in this way. I knew that the viewers would love this video, both Mercedes and Mclaren fans.

It wasn't common for different teams to collaborate, I'm just so excited that I pushed for this idea to become a thing. Everything went so smoothly, the boys were hilarious as they bickered to each other about who got the right or wrong answers.

The only slight issue was me turning up 10 minutes late. Those 10 minutes to me were worth it, for obvious reasons. But I obviously had to lie to the boys, explaining that I needed to go to the restroom.

"But we literally have restrooms upstairs, Ella." Daniel questioned with a smile, but still a confused face.

"There was a queue!" I explained, jokingly. I was hoping no one could see through my lies, but then again, what other suspicion could they have? It's not like they knew I was just having sex with another driver. Hopefully.

Lando didn't say anything, he was just looking at the top of my head. I look at him with a puzzled look on my face which makes him walk over to me.

He places his hands on the top of my head, smoothing down my hair. That's when I realised, my hair probably looked crazy from what had just happened.

"Must be the humidity" I explain with a nervous smile, as I start to fix my hair.

Lando nods and moves back away from me, he didn't seem to suspect anything luckily.

After we finished filming, Lewis and George both gave me a hug goodbye.

"That was really fun, thanks Ella" George said with a smile.

"Agreed," Lewis added on, "Will we be seeing you at that Charity ball tonight?" He asks.

I look confused at his question. What Charity ball?

"I didn't know about it! So I guess not?" I reply, with a sad face. I wasn't really sad to be honest, I knew I'd just be stressed out about what to wear and how to act. I had no business being there either, I was just a media person.

"Do you wanna come?" Lando asks with a nervous smile, "All the drivers are allowed a plus one and I don't have one yet, anyway?"

"Are you sure?" I reply back to him, he responds with a smile and an eager nod.

"Great! We'll see you there then" George says as him and Lewis begin to leave. I smile back at them and wave them goodbye.

I walk over to Lando, as Daniel gets a phone call from someone. I definitely knew it was Victoria judging by the huge grin on his face.

"You know you don't have to invite me to this thing." I say to Lando, trying to scan if he just invited me as a pity thing.

"I want to, Ella. It'll be more fun having a extra friend with me. I was already planning to ask you to come" He replies as he puts his hand on my shoulder.


I nod at him and smile, "Shall we get back to the garage? Practice is in 15 minutes." I ask as I look down at my watch.

We all head back to the garage and the boys go out again for the last practice session. Qualifying was tomorrow, I was excited but also nervous.

After the practice, me and Lando headed back to the hotel together since he drove me there in the morning.

"So what's the dress code for this ball?" I ask him as I frantically google clothing stores near the hotel.

"I assume all the girls will be wearing those long, fancy gowns" Lando replies, as we approach the hotel.

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