chapter eleven

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All the drivers were ready to go. This qualifying was going to be exciting to say the least. It was perfect weather, warm with a gentle breeze. It was sad and quite lonely that I was sat here on my own, watching from the top of Mclaren's garage. I always had Victoria with me, when we'd watch in general admission. I wished she was here, but she was working. She promised me she'd come tomorrow for the race, which was going to be great. I know she'd be cheering on for Daniel this time, louder than anyone else.

The cars started going. I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Kika, Pierre's girlfriend. She was wearing a gorgeous floral dress and looked effortlessly beautiful.

"Hi! What are you doing here?" I ask whilst giving her a hug, confused as to why she wasn't with the Alpine crew.

"I was lonely over at Alpine, plus, Charles told me that you'd probably want some company!" She said, smiling at me.

I couldn't help but smile, I didn't think Charles would be this thoughtful. But then again, I don't know him well at all. I was excited to get to know him, the real him. I started to wonder, does Kika know? I thought we were keeping this a secret, what if she tells someone.

"Charles is a good friend, isn't he? He said you used to work at his golf course or something" Kika asked, as she watched as the cars flew past.

I sighed with relief, she doesn't know. "Yes! I saw him, Lando and Alex a few days ago there."

She smirked when I said Lando's name. Does everyone know something that I don't? Me and Lando were close last night, but it was all just friendly. Nothing romantic.

I ignore her reaction and we both start focusing on the cars.

Max had been taking the fastest lap lead for almost the entirety of the session. He was zooming past, which was a norm for Red Bull this season. Charles was right behind him, which was not surprising at all. He was a really great driver, bound to be one of the greats. Daniel followed behind Charles, which made me ecstatic. A Mclaren being the third fastest was unheard of in recent times. I couldn't help but jump for joy as he flew past. I caught myself cheering for Charles too, this may be more conflicting that I thought it'd be, supporting Mclaren and having a secret fling with a Ferrari man. Who knew this would be my life?

On the last lap, Charles zooms past Max Verstappen and  headed to the finish line, 2 seconds faster than Max. I was beyond happy for him. Daniel was right behind Max, he ended up accidentally hitting Max slightly which pushed him off of the track. The whole of Mclaren cheered, Daniel with the second fastest lap! Charles, Daniel then Max. What an outcome. Lando came 6th, which wasn't bad at all to start at tomorrow. This was looking very promising for us.

As the cars got back to the garage, I waited to congratulate the boys. I ran to Daniel to hug him, he almost picks me up and starts laughing.

"So I guess I am a better driver than Lando, huh!" He says with the biggest smile I've ever seen.

I laugh until I see Daniel's face drop as he looked past my shoulder. I turn to see Max storming towards us, he pushes Daniel. Daniel manages to stand his ground as he's much taller than Max.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Max shouted, his eyes full of rage as sweat drips down his forehead.

"Mate, you left me no room" Daniel says, looking concerned as he puts his hand on Max's shoulder to calm him down.

Max shoves Daniel again. This time I couldn't just stand and watch. I get in between them and say, "Leave him alone, you're making a scene."

Max looks at me with a disgusted face, "Who the fuck are you" he scoffs.

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