author's note

21.7K 153 44

hi guys!! thank you so much for the support ! this story has only been out for 2 days and there's so much more to come!

i just wanted to ask you guys for your opinion!

although this is my story, i would love to hear what you guys would like to see.

i've been thinking to do a chapter or two on charles' POV  on what has happened so far but i'm not sure if this would be enjoyable for you guys? please let me know if this is something you'd like to see.

also! if there are any questions you have about Ella or any of the other characters please let me know! i'll be happy to provide these answers into the book.

thanks again for the support! 4k reads in two days is insane!

ALSO NEW CHAPTER COMING IN THE NEXT HOUR I THINK! Charles and Ella reunion after their messy night together !

<3 bye love you

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