10 - Honeymoon

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Mabel's POV

A tired yawn escaped my mouth as I forced my sleepy eyes open. A large white ceiling stared at me and it didn't look like the one in my room.
I let my tired eyes roam around the room and I spot a wardrobe, cushion, centere table, dining table, even a kitchen from where I was. This is definitely not my room.

Fear swept through me and my tired eyes were now alert. Looking down at myself without knowing what to expect, I saw that I was clad in a white silk night gown. I raised the duvet slowly and peeked down, a sigh of relief swept through me when I saw that there wasn't blood stain. It means I wasn't raped.

But why was I in a robe? I only wore pj's. Hurriedly, I tossed the duvet aside and my feet landed on the rug. My gaze shifted to my right and I noticed a glowing diamond band on the nightstand. I must admit that it is a beautiful work of art.

I picked up the ring and it looked very familiar. After a few seconds I returned it back to where I got it. When I stood up I met with a tall mirror. Scrutinizing myself to see if a change had occurred overnight, I touched my face, touched my neck. I saw that nothing had changed in my body and I was looking so beautiful in this short sexy gown.

By the time I took a clearer view around, I realized I was alone in this room. Was I kidnapped? How do I escape? Where the fuck am I? What do I do? I opened my mouth to scream but I restrained when I the sound of a masculine voice. A wave of relief hit me, I grabbed the robe of the gown from the hanger, threw it on and tied the rope around it before I followed the sound of the voice.

I found myself standing in the middle of a balcony whose glass doors were left open. Not just that, a tall dark man with a built frame had his back facing me. I could tell that he was handsome just from behind. He was on the phone and he seemed really engrossed because he didn't notice me enter.

Clearing my throat to announce my presence, he turned. He hung up immediately.

"Hey, you're awake. Hope you aren't having a hangover?"

I almost scoffed. Who is this stranger and what gives him the right to ask me questions?

Folding my arms to demonstrate confidence, I tucked the strand of my hair. "I ask the questions, not you."I stated firmly.

He didn't seem fazed at all, he just folded his arms having a bemused look on his face.

Cocky huh! I'm even cockier.

I frowned, "Who are you and why am I here?"

He laughed and surprisingly I wasn't infuriated or irritated, my heart melted instead. This man has to be the best of God's creation because he has the most genuine and beautiful smile whilst laughing. Almost contagious because I tried hard not to blush. His smile was also very familiar.

I heard him trail off from his boisterous laughter. "Well that's fair. You had a lot to drink yesterday so I suppose you can't remember. We got married yesterday." He put his hands in his pocket at the last statement.

My jaw dropped. "What?" I almost whispered.

He nodded slowly for confirmation. I stared at this man in white denim shorts and a white shirt that had its first two buttons undone.

"I don't understand."

I really didn't.

He sighed.

"You, Mabel Kamsiyochukwu are my wife. We got married yesterday at Saint Andrew Catholic church, Ikoyi. We are on our honeymoon. I'm Jason Obinna Johnson, that makes you Mabel Johnson."

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