Chapter 11

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Jingyi: Sure Daddy, take care.

It was break time when A-yuan, Ayana, and Jingyi met, but they didn't know each other. When the twins saw Jingyi sitting alone, they looked at each other and nodded.

A-yuan: Hello, are you alone?

Jingyi: Yes.

Ayana: Do you want us to join you?

Jingyi: Sure, are you two twins?

"Yes, I'm A-yuan, and she's Ayana. My younger sister"

Ayana: "Younger sister? You just old a few minutes.

A-yuan: mn.

Jingyi: Is it fun having a twin?

A-yuan: Yes, because you have someone to play with."

Ayana: Do you have siblings?

Jingyi: "I'm an only child, but I have playmates among our household helpers.

Ayana: "Really? So, are you rich?"

Jingyi: Yes, my dad is.

A-yuan: Do you want to play with us?

Jingyi: it okay with you?

A-yuan: Yes, of course.

Jingyi: What game shall we play?"

A-yuan: Basketball."

Jingyi: "Huh?"

"I've wanted to play basketball for a long time, but I didn't have anyone to play with" A-yuan said

Jingyi: Okay, from now on, I'll be your playing buddy. By the way, where's our ball?

"Here it is" A-yuan said and handed Jingyi the ball.

A-yuan: "Let's start, Ayana, you can just watch."

Ayana: "Okay, Ayu."

Jingyi and A-yuan were enjoying the game, but the ball rolled onto the street. Ayuan ran after it without looking and didn't notice an approaching car.




A-yuan, Jingyi!

The car didn't stop when it hit them. Ayana saw A-yuan and Jingyi lying on the road and immediately ran to them.

"It's Jingyi, the one who was hit by the car, because he pushed A-yuan to save him. But they're both injured, but Jingyi's condition being worse. While lying on the road, he could only move his fingers as he was bathing in his own blood and slowly losing consciousness."

"JINGYI, A-YUAN," Ayana called out, crying.

People approached them, some called 911, while others hugged Ayana, who was crying.  "Auntie, can you get my phone from my bag and call my Dada?"

"A-yuan, wake up, don't fall asleep. Jingyi, don't fall asleep," Ayana kept moving between A-yuan and Jingyi, repeating those words.

A single ring on the other line, and Zhan answered the call.


"Who is this? Why do you have my child's phone? And why do I hear him crying?" Zhan asked in a serious voice.

"Sir, the owner of this phone, his two brothers got hit by a car."

"What? Where?" Zhan didn't notice that the caller mentioned two children on the line due to panicked

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