Chapter 12

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"Yibo?" Sean called him while peeking under the hospital bed. When Yibo noticed him, he immediately pulled Sean under the hospital bed to hide, before Sean could react, Yibo covered his mouth and spoke softly enough for both of them to hear.

"Don't make a noise, they will kill us" What Yibo sees is that her mother is being raped, what hurts more is that not only one person did it. "Mom" He said softly, what he saw next was how she was brutally killed after being raped. His whole body was shaking.

Sean was also crying but he couldn't move or speak because Yibo hugged him tightly while still covering his mouth. The next thing Yibo sees is his father. "Dad, Mom, don't leave Yibo, how can I live without you" He whispered. While Yibo was staring at the door, Song lan went to the other side and handed Sean the injection with sleeping pills.

Sean looked at Song lan as if he was saying I can't move. But even before they could inject Yibo, he lost consciousness, while his tears continued to fall.


A few hours have passed but the doctors still haven't come out of the emergency room where Jingyi is being operated on, so Sean who is waiting outside is restless. And he is also worried about Yibo who is still not regaining consciousness.

Song lan came to him and gave Sean some water. "Drink first, don't worry everything will be okay" Sean looked at Song lan and took the water. "Thank you, I hope so because I don't know what to do" He took a deep breath and then spoke.

"What really happened to make Yibo act like that, he was fine earlier" He asked worriedly

"I know that you shouldn't hear this from me and I also know that Jiyang told you something else about this. Yibo has a trauma that caused him to have a 2nd Personality and that trauma came back because of a person who was one of the reasons why he had a trauma" Sean looked at Song lan in wonder. "Who is that person? I didn't see any strange person come earlier" He asked in confusion.

Song lan took a deep breath. "Sean or should I call you Zhan" Sean's eyes widened.

"You know me?" He asked. Song lan nodded. "Isn't your uncle who was here earlier, your father's twin?.." But before he could continue what he was going to say.

Yibo came out of the room, but this time his aura was different. The feeling that just seeing him suddenly makes you feel a chill around you.

Sean stood up and ran towards Yibo. "Thank God, you're okay..." however he couldn't finish what he was going to say when he noticed something strange.

5 years ago this was the last time he saw Yibo's face, the Yibo who didn't care, the Yibo who almost killed him.

It was five years ago when he last saw Yibo's face like this, the feeling of just looking into his eyes makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. This is the Yibo who doesn't care about other people's feelings. The Yibo who can kill you with just a blink of the eye, the Yibo who almost killed him. Sean stepped back and you could see the fear on his face.

"You're not Yibo" He murmured.

"I thought you'd still insist that I'm Yibo like before and now you know the difference between us. Impressive!" He said arrogantly

"Aaaa...Are you here to kill me again?" He asked stammering. Ye Mi suddenly became sad when he heard what Sean said and Sean saw it.

"Zhan, didn't he also help to save you then" Zhan thought.

"Look" Ye Mi said and was about to approach Sean but Sean backed away. "You are right I know you are not Yibo, but where is Yibo?" Zhan asked bravery.

"Can we talk?" Ye Mi asked, Sean looked at Song lan as if he was asking for approval if it was safe for him to talk to Ye Mi.

"Don't worry, he cares about Yibo's feelings, and i know he can't hurt you again" Song Lan looked at Ye Mi. "I know this is our first meeting and I don't know you, but I know Yibo, he has a reason why he chose not to seek treatment so that you will disappear forever and the way you gave him the space to live as he wants" Ye Mi smiled at him  and for the first time Sean saw Ye Mi smile so his fear was reduced a little.

"Okay, we can talk, but first let's wait for the results of Jingyi's surgery."

"Okay thankyou"

They sat down, as they sat Ye Mi couldn't help but look at Sean, while Sean was uncomfortable with the way Ye Mi was looking at him.

"Are you thinking how you're going to kill me?" Sean asked jokingly, but Ye Mi felt sad but didn't show it, after all he was the one who gave the reason why Zhan was like this to him

"Now I know why Yibo loved you" He said causing Sean to look at him.

Ye Mi: "After what I did, I can't even see in those eyes the anger I want to see, I want you to hate me because of what I did"

"I thought I was angry with you, but now that you are here in front of me, that anger is gone, there are wounds that heal at the right time without us realizing it" He stopped talking while also looking at Ye Mi.

"That's in the past that we should forget, let's just focus on the present. So if you have any anger in your heart, get rid of it, it's not healthy for you." Zhan Said.

Ye Mi smiled at him. "Learn to forgive yourself"

"Thank you Xiao Zhan, yes how is your son?"

"A-yuan is still unconscious and Ayana is with Jiyang" Ye Mi's eyes widened. Zhan chuckled. "Yibo and I had twins" Zhan noticed that Ye Mi seemed sad "Maybe she still regrets what she did then" Zhan thought.

"Thank you for saving us" Ye Mi smiled.

Thank you for reading it 😊😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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