Capter 3

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Yibo was playing in his room when his parents suddenly entered his room and you can see the fear on their faces, yibo was confused but he approached his parents and asked what happened but before he could speak his mother said.

"Baby listen to mom okay" while holding yibo's face.
"don't come out here, no matter what happens" Yibo's crying because he does not understand what is happening why his mother wants him to hide under the bed.

mom what's going on?
but his father answered. "Yibo, son just listen to your mom and you will always remember that we love you very much okay" and he hugged Yibo tightly trying not to show yibo that he was crying, Yibo's mother hugged them both and spoke. "son, no matter what you see, don't go out, we love you Yibo" and Yibo's mother started to cry.

"Open this damn door, I know you two are inside!"

When they heard a knock at the door, they immediately let go of their embrace to Yibo and for the last time Yibo's mother kissed him on the forehead.

Yibo's mother put Yibo under the bed to hide him, do you understand? Yibo's mother asked him and Yibo nodded even though he didn't understand what was happening.

It was only a few minutes before Yibo heard a gunshot, but Yibo's parents had not come out of that room. Ten men entered the room and while carrying a Gun.

Yibo's parents still fought, but when his father was stabbed in the stomach he was helpless and they beat him, one of them grabbed Yibo's mother's hair while punching his father.

Yibo saw that his Parents were mercilessly killed, he just held his mouth to cover it and not make noise, he saw how his mother was raped while his father begged them to stop.

His father died first after they stabbed his throat but they were still not satisfied with that and shot him in his head, Yibo just closed his eyes so he couldn't see it, he wanted to scream but his mother warned him not to make noise. after they shot his father they killed his mother and shot her in her chest, but before Yibo's mother finally closed her eyes she smiled at Yibo and said "I love you so much Son" when Yibo heard what her mother say, he was immediately fainted.


Yibo's uncle took him to his house and took care of him since that day Yibo doesn't talk anymore, doesn't even talk to anyone, he always sits near the window, if he sees a man wearing Black suit screamed and trembling with fear.

His uncle was very worried about him. One day his uncle was surprised to see Yibo walking down the stairs of his house while smiling, even his hairstyle had changed, the way he dressed had changed in other words everything in Yibo's life had changed. said Qiren himself.

"This one is better than the Yibo I brought here 1 week ago, Yibo also wants to change his name to YE, Yibo's uncle is surprised by this sudden change in Yibo, but he doesn't care. what he doesn't know, that this ten-year-old man in front of him was not yibo but Ye who was 18 years old, Yibo's second personality. He agreed to Changed Yibo's name and since that day.

Yibo's life changed. when he was studying at
school he has no friends, all his classmates are afraid of him because of his cold personality, he often makes his Teachers cry,he even killed one of his classmates because he put paint on the clothes his mother had bought when she was alive.
Because of his uncle's influence he was not able to pay for that sin "The power of money is really different"

Ye, begins to kill the people who's involved in his parents death, when he was 19, while Yibo didn't come out for the whole 8 Years he only came out when he was 18 years old. To get the point easily, for the whole 8 years Yibo was gone. and during those eight years, Ye existed. the one who studies attends parties and the one who's killer.

End of Flashback

Yibo spoke again. "I can take care of myself, I can take it without you, I don't want to see you and talk to you, thank you for everything you did, I know that if it wasn't for you I would have been dead a long time ago" then he cried, while Ye didn't speak. He will understand in case Yibo's  getting treatment and get rid of him. ( Hmp hahahhaha)

"Sorry Yibo" Ye said, it hurt Yibo, but he had to stand on his own feet without relying on Ye. Yibo said to himself. "In this time I will face all the pain alone" after Yibo said that he fell asleep.


Familys Backgrounds

Yibo's Parents are both Secret agents who worked for the government.

One day they find out who these big people are involved in the Black Market and when these people found out that Yibo's parents knew their Dirty work, so they made a plan to kill Yibo's Parents, but before they died they wrote down all the names of the people involved in the Black market . "The black market is where people transact illegal Business"

While Zhan's parents are.

His father is a Businessman While his mother is a Prosecutor.
Zhan's father is working hard for their future and Zhan's future because he knows he won't be with him all the time

Mr. Xiao has a twin brother where they have different Personalities from Zhan's father, he is a gambler who doesn't want to work and just wants to make money easily and because of Jealousy he plans to kill Zhan's Parents and he also knows that Zhan's mother knows that he is involved in the Black Market.

Zhan's mother went to him, and talked to him about it, but he was angry "So you're really intend to ruin my life?" Rohan asked.  Mrs Xiao shook her head and said "I don't plan to ruin your life, but you know I'm the one in charge of this case I just want to warn you before you regret everything and I don't want that my Husband will be involved in Dirty work" after saying that Zhan's mother left and Rohan dialed a number and someone called.

So Yibo's parents and Zhan's parents died because of these people involved in illegal activities and among the ten people who killed yibo's parents, zhan's father's twins were also there.

About Ye's deeds he just wants to take a revenge since Yibo can't do that and because of the list where Yibo's parents wrote all the names, they got it wrong.


Yibo didn't go when zhan was buried, he couldn't stand there as he knew to himself that he had a lot to do with his death.

Yibo decided to go abroad because if he stays here he might go crazy because all he sees is zhan smiling at their moment together, what happened the last time they met..

But before yibo left, he visited zhan's grave, and said Goodbye to him "Love, I'm sorry" Yibo couldn't continue what he wanted to say because he was crying, until he lay down on zhan's grave while hugging the sand, Yibo's screaming AAAAAAAAHHH. while repeatedly saying sorry Love, how can I live, sorry Love



"Yes uncle"
"i will"
"do you really miss me that much?"

On the other hand

"A-yuan hold your sister's hand, so she doesn't get lost"  "baba where is Ayana?" Sean looked at A-yuan but he couldn't see her. "A-yuan where is your sister, didn't I say hold her hand?" while Sean panicked he called Ayana's name but she didn't answer.

Suddenly his phone rang and he immediately answered it "Babe are you done shopping?"

"Darren, Ayana is missing, I can't see Ayana" and Sean started crying "Babe relax where are you, I'm going there" Sean said which mall they were in. Then hung up the call.

Thank you for reading it 😊

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