Capter 8

438 35 2

Yibo: "okay, as if you can bear me, I love you dude, you're really the best"

Haoxuan: "Yuck dude its disgusting 🤢 , I have a Boyfriend."

Yibo: "hahahah zhan is better than you"

Haoxuan: Bye!

On the other hand. 📞

Darren: "Dad you need to know something"

Mr. Xiao: "What is that?"

Darren: "Sean remembered everything"

Mr. Xiao: "What do you mean, did he and Mr.Wang  meet?"

Darren: "He said he remembers everything, yes they have met but I don't think they have talked about anything yet, because what yibo knows is that Sean and Zhan are different"

Mr.Xiao: "Why did you just tell me this now and when did his memory come back?"

Darren: "He just told me dad, it's been a year"

"It's been a year but you just found out, how stupid you really are even if you can never be trusted, don't let that Yibo meet him again. I have something to order you"  Mr. Xiao shouted  on the other line.

Darren: "Sorry dad,  "okay dad"

End call.

"When will he accept me as his son, I'm doing everything for him to accept me but it's still not enough!" Darren asked himself.

At Haoxuan and Jiyang's house.

"Babe what are you looking at?" Jiyang asked haoxuan who was focused on his laptop. "You remember Mr. Wang, who is my business partner?" Haoxuan asked.

"Yes, why is there something wrong with him?" Because he asked me to investigate if Sean and Zhan are the same person" Jiyang came to him in surprise.

What do you mean? What is the name of the person he was asked to investigate, if it's the same person?" Jiyang asked curiously. "You remember the zhan I mentioned before, who was Yibo's Boyfriend but died" asked haoxuan.

"Yes" Jiyang said and haoxuan showed the a picture of yibo, sean and the children and Jiyang's eyes widened, and because of his panic, the glass next to him that was placed on the table fell.

Jiyang was about to clean the floor but hoaxuan stopped him. "Are you okay babe? I'll clean it babe, you're already dressed, do you know him" asked Haoxuan because he noticed that he was sweating even though it was cold inside their house.

"Aah.ah thank you babe, I don't know him, I'll  go first babe, I have a patient waiting for me" Jiyang said and walked towards the outside of their house. "He's acting weird" Haoxuan thought.

When Jiyang got out of their house, she immediately dialed Zhan's number, a ew more rings before the other line answered

Jiyang: Hello sean

Zhan: Hello Doc. Uncle

Jiyang: cut the formality

Zhan: hehehe I'm sorry.

Jiyang: can we meet, i just have something to tell you.

Zhan: Sure! if it's okay with you, let's meet at the bakery shop, the kids and I will go now.

ok see you there

and hung up

Jiyang drove to Zhan's shop and just as he arrived, Zhan also arrived with his children.

Uncle Yang. The twins called Jiyang at the same time.

"Hello babies, how are you?"

Twins: "We're fine uncle"

Jiyang handed the toy she bought earlier to Ayana and A-yuan. "Thank you Uncle"

After Zhan opened the door of his shop, "come inside, how are you, doc?" asked Sean. "I'm good, you?" "I'm doing well, hmmp Yang, you can stay here for a while, I'll just make coffee and then I'll check on the kids"

Jiyang: "Take your time Sean"

Sean went to the 2nd floor of his shop to check on his children.

Sean: "Are you two okay here? Do you want something to eat?"

"Dada, we're fine, we'll play" A-yuan answered, "

Sean: "call me if you two need anything, don't play games that will hurt you, A-yuan take care of your sister. "okay dada" answered A-yuan.

"Dada, I'm a big girl now, I don't need to be watched " Ayana replied artfully. "Yes, my baby is big, so we need to watch you to make sure that you're safe hehe, I'm going downstairs, your uncle and I will talk about something.

Twin: "Okay Dada"

Sean went down but before he went to Jiyang he made him some coffee. "Why am I nervous" Sean asked himself.

"By the way, Yang, what are you going to say?" Zhan asked jiyang. "Ah, you and yibo have met, did he recognize you?" Zhan took a deep breath before answering.

"Yes, we were at the mall the other day and Ayana suddenly disappeared, we looked for her everywhere but we couldn't find her, so I heard her crying and when we went to them I was surprised to see Yibo, because I didn't expect it that we will meet again"

"While Ayana was hugging Yibo's legs, when we approached them, Ayana didn't want to remove her hands from Yibo's legs" said Zhan.

"But I was more surprised that Ayana didn't want to let him go even though he saw me and you know that boy doesn't talk or approach people he doesn't know, but with Yibo she didn't want to let go of him.

I think at that time He forgot that I am his father hehehe and we have no choice but to take Yibo home, I don't even know if he recognized me, because I used the name Sean and Darren happened to be with us, by the way, how did you know?" Sean added.

Jiyang: Do you know my boyfriend?

Sean: Yes

Jiyang: It just so happens that he and Yibo are partners in business and because my partner can be trusted in such things, Yibo asked him to investigate you, sorry if he interferes with you two"

Sean: It's okay

"It's OK? Hmmp Sean, I have a question but I want the real answer. What did you feel when you saw him? I knew you had seen him before, but now it's different because you talked to each other" Jiyang asked him

Hmp to be honest, I really want to hug him tightly and cry in front of him and ask him why he broke up with me, what is the reason that is hard to tell me"

"Because since my memory came back, those are the questions I didn't get answer, but I stopped myself, because I remembered what happened before, what was in my mind, what if it happens again, even if he says he's not Yibo" Sean answered sadly.

Jiyang: Do you still love Him?

Sean: "He is the first person I loved, he is the person I will love As long as I breathe, the year have passed and it's still the same, but I have to hold back my feelings because of what I saw 1 year ago"

"I still don't understand what happened back then, how i was saved, because at that time I really thought I was going to die"

"No matter what I plead with him, he doesn't seem to hear anything and I also want to know why he did that. I have so many questions in my mind that I can't get an answer to any of them"

Jiyang: "Why don't you introduce yourself to him and ask him?"

Sean: I'm afraid of what I'll find out.

Jiyang: "I can't blame you because if I were in my situation I might have done the same thing. But I'm really here to tell you what I know, are you aware that lulu and I are best friends?"

Sean: "Yes"

Thank you for reading it 💞💞💞

Grammatically incorrect 🤧🤧

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