"Your outing tomorrow. I want to come too."

Bartholomew immediately lost his smile:

"No. You can't.

-But I will. What? Are you going to lock me up again?"

Bartholomew froze:

"That won't happen ever again, I promise. But please reconsider. It's dangerous.

-The only danger I was in last time was you. So, as long as you don't shoot me, I should be fine.

-Aed, I beg you... Please don't come.

-I want to."

I had never seen Bartholomew so desperate before and the more against it he was, the more I wanted to come. How else would I find out who killed Bartholomew's parents? Why couldn't I continue reading that damn story? At least find out who the killer was. I had to speed things up.

"I will come.


I smirked:

"What? Am I not your kitten anymore?"

Bartholomew didn't find it funny.

"You can be ruthless when you want to.

-Have you just found out? See you tomorrow."

Bartholomew couldn't add anything, and I left. As I came out of Bartholomew's study, I found myself face to face with Gardenia and judging by her expression, she must have heard what had gone on inside. She didn't seem very happy that I was tagging along, and she grabbed my arm with strength before pulling me further away:

"Why do you have to cling to him like a leech?"

I pushed her hand away:

"I assure you; I would love to be kilometers away from him. But this is bigger than him or me. I am willing to put my anger away for a few hours. I hope you are mature enough for that too."

Gardenia snarled:

"Mature? You are the childish one here. Making a fuss because you want to come and the next second forces him to take you with us.

-I am just trying to get out of here as soon as possible.

-By spying on his every move? I knew that you were up to something.

-I am really not. I am just trying to help you so I can leave."

Gardenia frowned:

"Are you saying that you are going to leave as soon as we find out who killed his family?

-Yes. Hopefully.

-So you do love him."

I sighed:

"Why does everything people do have to be because of love? I don't have such feelings for him and have other reasons to help. We are talking about freaking murder. Do you think that the investigators are only doing their job because they love Bartholomew?"

Gardenia frowned:

"Look at you being all smart. But if you promise that you are going to leave once we find the culprit. I don't mind helming you.

-I promise."

Gardenia looked at my clothes before snarling:

"You will never get in tomorrow dressed like this."

I looked at my shirt and jeans:

"Why? Where are we going?

-Somewhere where people don't need a lot of clothes."

I frowned:

"That could be anything going from the beach to a threesome."

Gardenia rolled her eyes:

"How funny.

-Not in the mood for jokes I see. So, did you mean the beach?"

Gardenia didn't answer and just raised her eyebrows once as a sign of agreeing. The next morning I dressed up accordingly but just when I thought I was ready, I met Peridot on my way down. The latter looked at my clothes with a frown:

"Are you heading out with Master Virion today?

-Yes. Why?"

He didn't say anything and waved for me to follow him. I should have known that Gardenia would try humiliating me. I felt stupid for believing her. I was way too nice for my own good. Peridot brought me directly to Bartholomew's dressing and pulled out multiple items of clothing before staring at them for long minutes.

"Why did you bring me here instead of my own dressing room?

-Master Virion will be happy seeing you in his clothes."

I didn't like the idea of making Bartholomew happy but Peridot was adamant:

"You don't have suitable clothes in your own dressing room.

-I doubt that.

-Do you even know where you are going?

-If you told me I would."

Peridot didn't answer and he finally decided on a rather revealing outfit before handing it to me:

"Put this on.

-Where the hell are we going?

-This will be more than perfect."

Was I being stupid for trusting Peridot after Gardenia tried playing me? I didn't care and put on the outfit chosen. I just wanted it to be over with at this point and didn't even look in the mirror on my way out. Judging by the others' reaction, I did look good and I couldn't help feeling happy for some dumb reason. Especially when I saw Gardenia's angry expression. All of them were dressed very nicely and I would have looked like an idiot in my beach clothes.

[BL] My enemy became my husbandWhere stories live. Discover now