Pougelandia pt V

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WC: 1,414

JJ grunts as he climbs over the wall. He held his hand out and pulled Sarah up.


Cleo was also climbing up, having a significantly less harder time than Sarah.

JJ jumps down, and hears people, "Oh shit, wait wait wait!" He gets as low as he can. "Sarah, get down! Quick!"

Cleo jumps down and lays next to him. Sarah does as well.

Pope and John B are the last ones to join them.

"You see him?"

Cleo shushes him.

"Oh man," Pope pants. "Ok, Portis wasn't kidding."

"No, that's a fortress. This is much bigger than Ward," John B said.

JJ looked around, "We got two towers, patrollers, ATCs, possibly snipers."

"There's no way we're getting past that," Sarah said.

Cleo spoke up, "We gotta help em. We can take them if we stay towards the tree line."

"No, Cleo! No Cleo!" Sarah whispered as Cleo got up.

JJ sputters but gets up and follows after her.

"Hey! Shit."

The others run off after them.


"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rafe says.

Kiara shakes her head, "This is ridiculous. We don't know anything about a diary."

"But how else could you have learned that the cross was on the Royal Merchant?" Carlos asked.

Bella sighed, "Incredible deductive skills. How else would he have gotten it?"

"Look," Kiara inhales, "We want to help you, but we can't."

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that, you know." Bella tightened her grip on the chair leg. Carlos looked at them, "Because unfortunately, I don't believe you. You and your friends here couldn't have found the cross without it."

"He's not my friend," Kiara glanced at Rafe.

Carlos looked at Rafe, "We can't all be friends, you know."

Rafe sighs and stands up, "Look, this is ridiculous. Ok? I'm out. I don't know anything about a diary, ok? So-" A man with a gun stopped him from leaving.

"Do I look like a fool to you, Mr. Cameron?" He stands up, "Do I look like a fool to you?"

Bella ushers Kiara to stand up and get behind her again.

What Once Was Lost Can Be Found AgainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora