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WC: 2,609

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WC: 2,609

Bella grabbed her laptop and started searching up what she needed to: if you could pay restitution in cash, anonymously.

She smirked when she got her answer. She quickly got up and went to one of her boxes and checked to see if she had enough.

Bella grabbed her burner phone and called the sheriff's station, "Hi there!" She tried to sound as old as she possibly could. "I have a quick question for you. I have a nephew who's gotten into a bit of trouble and he called and asked if I could cover it for him? He says he's gonna pay me back so can I just send someone down with the cash?"

The officer answered, "Um yes ma'am. We can do that for you."

"Do I have to come down myself or can I just send someone? I have a hard time walking ya know it would be easier if I could just send someone else."

"Um well, are you wanting it for a tax write-off? If so you'd have to come down and sign yourself."

"Oh no no, none of that will be necessary."

"Are you their guardian?"

"Oh no no, my nephew's father is my brother's kid."

"Well we have anonymous paperwork you could have someone fill out for you since you don't want the write-off."

Bella smiled, "That would be perfect! I can send someone down in just a bit. Thank you doll."

"Of course. Have a good day ma'am."

Bella hung up the phone and quickly got up. She placed the money in a tote bag and placed the tote bag in her backpack. She made her way down the stairs and saw her parents getting ready. She quickly tossed her bag to the side and slowed her steps.

"Y'all heading out for date night with the Camerons?"

Sebastian nodded, "Yes. We will only be gone a few hours or so since they are just down the road. You ok with what we've got here for dinner? Or do you want to order something?"

Bella smiled, "Um can I order a pizza?"

"Sure thing kiddo, here's some cash."

Her mother sighed in disappointment. Pizza meant no alarm.

"Thank you! Have fun!" Bella smiled.

They made their way out of the house and she waited until they were fully gone before grabbing her bag, shoes, and keys.

She walked into the sheriff's station and went to the front desk, "Hi. One of my neighbors asked if I could drop this off for them? It's um I think restitution for JJ Maybank?"

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