The Lucky Compass

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WC: 1,087

Bella was sitting on the porch reading when two men walked up. She didn't think they noticed her because they moved to open the door.

"Can I help you two?" She spoke up, not really wanting them to go in the house.

The taller one spoke first, "Where's Andrew Matthews' wife?"

"Names Bellona I think," the other one said.

Bella raised her eyebrow, "Ex-wife. He's dead and she remarried."

"Kid where is she?" One of them looked at her, starting to get angry.

She sighed, "Still on the mainland, want me to take a message?"

"Where's his stuff?"

"His stuff?" Bella looked at them confused. "My dad's stuff was mostly donated. Few things I kept will mean nothing to you. Bellona didn't keep any of value that was his."

The shorter one asked, "She keep his research?"


"She keep his research of the Royal Merchant?" The taller one walked towards her, trying to be intimidating. "Don't lie to me kid."

Bella stood up, "Ok for one: stop calling me kid, it gives off the impression you don't take me seriously. Two: whatever you are looking for that was my dad's is long gone. Most of his stuff for his numerous projects was given to his friends or the museum."

"What friends?"

"How am I supposed to know? He had a lot of research and a lot of friends, I don't know who all it was given to, but I swear to you this none of it is in this house."

"Mind if we take a look?"

Bella crossed her arms, "Yes I do mind. You two look like the type to usually take what you want and I promise you this, if I had even the tiniest inkling of something you're looking for I'd be happy to hand it over instead of you breaking my shit. But it just so happens I literally have nothing you'd want from me, I don't even carry cash."

They both sighed and walked away. Bella was kinda surprised they didn't just barge in and search themselves, guess it helped that her dad had been gone for a few years and this was a long-shot effort anyways.

She waited until they were fully gone before going back inside, up to the attic storage space, and found the littlest bit of research her mom actually kept. And she only kept it because Big John had asked her to.

Bella opened a few of the boxes trying to figure out what they could possibly be looking for.


Bella's stepfather had finally gotten back to her saying they would be back by the end of the week. She sent him a text back with the message from Sarah.

He said yes they would be going, he even had a surprise for her when it came to midsummer, which confused her but she just shrugged it off.

She placed her phone down and went upstairs to change.

If she was free to do whatever, she was free to surf.

She spent a few hours surfing and catching as many waves as she could. She finally decided to pack up her things and head back home, but decided to stop into town and grab a few things for the next care package she was planning.

Bella had grabbed what she needed and was returning home when she saw a familiar figure walking. She honked her horn twice making them stop. "You need a ride?"

John B sighed and nodded. He hopped into her Jeep without another word.

Bella started driving but looked over him, "Are you ok? You look like you either got into another fight or were... electrocuted?"

"Second one," he sighed.

"Shit, are you ok?"

"Not really."

Bella tapped her fingers on the wheel as she drove him home, "You want to talk about it?"

He thought for a moment, "Our dad's were friends right? Working on finding the Royal Merchant together?"

Bella nodded.

"Did he ever... give the impression that it was dangerous?"

Bella thought for a moment, "Well my dad was looking for a lot more than just the Royal Merchant. El Dorado, Atlantis, the Copper Scrolls, and so many more that I don't even know about. But he did always say that searching for that kinda stuff was like solving a puzzle and solving a crime, but with the suspect watching your every move."

"So he meant it was dangerous."

"Only dangerous if you got close. The closer you are the more people start to get antsy and that will make them act."

"Have you had two guys come by?"

"Both wearing black and look like they are up to no good?"

John B nodded.

"Yeah I have. Do you know what they want?"

He sighed, "My dad's compass. I just gave it to Peterkin."

She nodded, "Probably gets that target off your back which is good. Did the compass have anything in it?"

"No, just the word Redfield scratched into it."


"Got any ideas?"

"Did you try the lighthouse?"

"No luck."

"Mmm, check his office for anything helpful?" She pulled into his makeshift driveway.

"Don't know how much is left that would be after they came by."

"Want my help to clean up? I don't have anything to do the rest of the day."

John B thought for a moment, "No. It's ok... it's a mess, I've got it."

Bella gave him a look.

"It's ok to accept help sometimes ya know?" She cut off her car and hopped out with him. "Put me to work chief."

He chuckled and nodded, "Thank you. For the ride, and for helping clean."

"'Course. I'll take the living room and kitchen? You get the bedrooms and bathroom?"

They both quickly got to work cleaning up the chateau. Both stayed silent while they worked.

Bella was just about finished sweeping the rooms when John B started taking all of his dad's Royal Merchant stuff outside to burn. She didn't say anything, just letting him do what he needed to to heal.

She walked outside as he was quickly grabbing something out of the fire.

"Help me put this out!" John B shouted quickly stomping on the flames.

Bella joined in and they got the fire out on the board. He bent down and looked at one of the names.

"Everything ok?" Bella asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Um thank you for helping again, I um gotta go," John B stood up and looked at her.

"No problem. Um I'll see you around, yeah? Be careful."

He nodded and they both got into their respective cars. John B waited until Bella pulled out of the driveway before doing the same.


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