Parcel 9

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Sebastian clapped, "Alright kiddo. You all set?"

"Yep. Ready to spend the next few weeks reorganizing the attic," Bella grinned.

"Right on. If you find anything you like feel free to keep it. Spruce up your room a bit," he laughed. "Alright hon? You ready?"

Bellona grabbed her bags and rolled them into the entryway, "Yes. Will you be a dear and bring these to the car please? I need to talk to my daughter for a moment."

"Of course hon," he grabbed her bags and brought them out to the car.

Bella's heart started racing but she looked at her mom and smiled.

Bellona did not. "If I get one word of you doing anything other than cleaning that attic or surfing you're done. Do you understand me?"

"Yes ma'am."

"I'm not kidding Bella Willow. The only reason why I'm even allowing this is because your stepfather thinks this client is going to bring in a lot and Kitty Hawk isn't open yet. Only reason."

"Yes ma'am," Bella nodded.

Sebastian came walking up and her mother put on a smile, "Now remember the alarms will be cut on at night, and please try to eat something other than junk food. Be good!" She made her way outside without another word.

Sebastian came back inside and gave her a big hug, "Man I'm going to miss you kiddo." He whispered into her ear, "Try and hang out with those friends of yours while we're gone. I won't tell." He winked at her and went to leave, "Love you!"

She chuckled, "Bye! Have fun! Love you too!"


They were all walking up to the Crain house.

Kiara said, "Look you guys know whose house this is right?"

"Oh, yeah. No, I do," JJ said.

John B input, "Look honestly I don't really believe the stories of this place."

Pope shushed him.


JJ walked up next to Kiara, "Which stories did you hear?"

"The one where she killed her husband with an axe and that she's been holed up ever since. On certain nights, when the moon is can see her in the window!"

"No, Kie, it's not funny, 'cause it's all true."


"I swear to god guys, this is all real. I knew Hollis. Jeez!" He flinches when they come across a statue.

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