The Forbidden Zone

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WC: 1,614

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WC: 1,614

Bella went back upstairs and was looking through her dad's research. She'd pulled them into her room, having gotten curious.

She couldn't find anything new or interesting for the Royal Merchant, but she did find something intriging. She just wasn't sure what it was for.

It was a pendant, gold. On the front had the first verse to the nursery rhyme her dad loved to sing her. There was an inscription on the back: guias de el dorado. Guides to the golden. Guides to El Dorado, the city of gold.

It confused her, but she liked the pendant so she took off her shark tooth necklace and added it to the cord.

She sighed and looked at the time.

"Ah shit," she quickly put her things away and picked up her room. Her mother and stepfather were supposed to be getting back today, and she was meant to be at the beach for the cleanup.


Bella was given gloves and orange trash bags, she thanked the person and started to get to work.

She took note of who was out there, and noticed Sarah with her group of friends.

Sarah raised a hand and waved at her, Bella hesitantly waved back.

"Since when are you nice to the Loner?" Topper asked.

Sarah looked at him, "Who? Bella? She's- she's not a loner, she's just..."

"A loner," Kelec laughed. "I still don't understand why Rafe liked her."

Wheezie answered, "I remember that. I think dad wanted them to get together. Something about her stepdad being important or something."

Sarah scrunched up her nose, "That was about Bella?"

"I think so," Wheezie shrugged.

Topper rolled his eyes, "She grew up a pouge, it's in their blood. Doesn't matter who her mom married. A pouge is a pouge."

Sarah sighed and looked back over at Bella who was helping a little girl sort out the garbage-grabbing stick.

The main coordinator got everyone to circle up, "Just a moment friends, to acknowledge our blessings." Everyone took each other's hands, "To the big Kahuna... thank you for the opportunity for us to come out here and restore Masonborough to its virgin glory. Amen."

Everyone let go to politely clap.

Bella noticed Sarah and Topper laughing and just raised her brow.

She rolled her eyes and started walking towards her Jeep.

"Hey kiddo!" Sebastian shouted, arm waved high.

She smiled, "Hey!"

"Ah did I miss it?"

She nodded, "Ya. It just ended, we got a lot done today."

What Once Was Lost Can Be Found AgainKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat