Start from the beginning

Atticus looked up at the moon and stars, pausing to stare. It was a full moon that allowed him to see that night. His mother had loved full moons.

Atticus walked faster, unsure of where he was going. He knew he needed to go home before even more time passed, but he was still in his head. He was still thinking, and he couldn't go to sleep when he was thinking, because then he wouldn't sleep, and if he didn't sleep, he wouldn't be able to make it through the next day, and if he couldn't do that

He was running before he realized it, his legs taking him wherever they wanted. Atticus felt like he was outside his body, unable to control where he was going, why he was running. His legs burned with the sudden effort of movement in the completely wrong direction, lungs cold from the harsh air he breathed in. Atticus would blame his watering eyes on the cold, but he knew deep down that it was the stress causing him to cry.

Kings didn't cry. Just another one of Atticus' quirks.

His foot snagged on a hole. Atticus fell, scraping the palms of his hands. He pulled himself into a sitting position and breathed in deeply, trying to ignore the feeling of his lungs freezing. He was still crying, tears stinging his cheeks with cold. The grass he sat in was wet with dew, only serving to add to the frigid weather that ailed him now.

The exhaustion hit next.

Atticus allowed his body to lie down in the grass, wide brown eyes staring up at the night sky. The moon had moved since he'd left the castle, reminding him of what he'd run away from.

The stars were so pretty tonight.


Jimmy had been expecting a full night of sleep but was instead awoken by frantic knocking at nearly six in the morning. The sun was barely rising, the Cod Empire only just waking up for the day with Jimmy as the exception. The fishermen were already at their posts; the agriculturalists were setting up their stalls in the market; the farmers were getting ready to work; and a seven-year-old girl stood on Jimmy's doorstep, anxiously wringing her hands together and perking up when he opened the door.

He was still in his pajamas when he opened the door, confused and blinking sleep out of his eyes. The image of the Codfather wearing sleeping clothes with cod depicted to be swimming did not brighten the girl's mood.

"Yes, hello? Are you alright?" Jimmy asked as he kneeled to her height, frowning. "What's your name?"

"Cassie," the girl sniffled. "I found someone out in the fields this morning and my moms don't know how to take care of him. He's freezing cold and hasn't woken up yet!" She looked distraught. Jimmy frowned, standing up straight and offering his hand for her to hold.

"Well, you did a very good thing by getting me. Can you bring me to your moms and this stranger?"

Cassie took his hand, pulling him out of his cabin and toward the direction of houses near the edge of the Cod Empire. Jimmy's mind turned with curiosity, but also worry. He might not know this stranger, but anyone who was in his empire was his responsibility, not his citizens'.

He was taken to a smaller home, the door unlocked instead of open, likely to keep the chill out. Cassie brought him to two older women who were standing above a figure on their couch, whispering to each other. They quieted down when they saw Jimmy enter. He spared them a smile before stepping over to check on the subject of their worry.

The smile on his face dropped when he realized just who he was looking at.

The Foxling was wrapped in two blankets, likely all the family could spare, his lips a faint blue color that worried Jimmy further. The younger man was shaking under the covers, his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat, hopefully from a fever that would be easy to heal from.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐒. empires smp (in progress)Where stories live. Discover now