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"I am sorry I can't be of more use to you."

Dennison said again as we waited outside the departure arena of the Airport. All our legal procedures were done, the paparazzis were swarming me for interviews, even now, I have several police officers circled around our small farewell situation. It was all so funny as well as ?exhausting at the same time. The ministers hadn't been misers in telling me how much my help had helped the country, how much of a hero I was, I should get Nobel Prize, blah blah blah. I wasn't interested in any of it anyway.

Xander had been a good sport after the burst of his emotions and I was not even disappointed. In fact, he had given me too much importance for a few hours of infatuation.

"You have helped me too much, Dennison. If it wasn't for you I would never have trustingly signed those papers. And please mail me your invoice, I shall transfer the money immediately."

Dennison shook his head, his face portraying his emotions like an open book. He think he failed me as a lawyer, but for me he had been more than a lawyer. Someone who was there by my side amidst the pack of wolves. He ha been a good friend.

"Please don't send me any check. I would feel more awful than I already feel."

I hugged him, despite having a swarm of spectators and flashed going off around me.

I can already imagine the headlines tomorrow, 'Lawyer and Singer having an intimate moment.' And then there would be absolutely nothing related to the title in the content. Click baits are just ridiculous. They might even add Carla's picture next to ours just for the impact.

"Please don't feel bad. You have more than a help. You have been a good friend who stood up for me. Please convey my regards to Carla though I haven't been introduced to her before."

Dennison assured me he would and told me he would contact me once the final contract papers are received.

I gave him a thumps us and waved at him as I watched him disappear behind the sliding glass doors.

"Do you have something to say about the Megamind, Miss?"

"How do you feel about being the wife of a total stranger?"

"Was the entire live staged?"

"Were you paid to accept Megamind's condition?"

"Are the Governments in trouble?"

"Should we be worried of our privacy getting leaked?"

The questions were getting ridiculous as they progressed and I avoided them as if they were non existent. I was even humming to a tune I was producing for my next album. I have been strictly instructed not to disclose anything to anyone and never to attend a press conference regarding the matter, and I was more than happy to oblige.

I walked to my car parked outside and the police literally had to push people away from it so that I can open the door. Should I consider hiring a bodyguard?

Just as I started my engine and made my way out of the airport and luckily the cameras, I connected my phone to the Bluetooth and dialled the number that I only seem to call recently.

"What again?"

River answered and I smiled. No matter what her greeting was, she never failed to take my call. She was a busybody and yet I was never sent to voicemail. I wonder why she was called a bitch when the real bitches were the ones planting fake smiles and pleasant attitude only when you are around. Turn your back against them and then you will hear what they really thought of you.

"You free?"

I asked, aimlessly driving through the highway. I attended parties, had friends, but none that I can trust. Even my manager is not that close now, who at the time is fixing my deranged schedule. In fact, my life is so messy that I wonder how anyone is tolerating me. With my moodswings and occasional blue periods, it's hard to keep up. Everyone wants to be with me during my cheerful times, but once I enter my depression stage, they avoid me like a plague. Can't blame them though.

What Else, If Not love?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora