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"What the hell do you mean by 'negotiate'?"

I shouted at the police officers standing in my office, looking extremely uncomfortable, just as they should be. I was back home from a recording of my new album in Amsterdam and was dying to hit the bed when I found three flashy Cadillac cars outside my house. The windows were tinted black and I immediately knew they belonged to the government. At first, I thought they were here for some income tax raid or in search of drugs, which most celebrities had to go through, and I was certain they were going to leave empty-handed when one of the older ones among the five suit-clad men introduced himself as the head of the International Peace Relations Department and I dumbly studied his ID card, wondering what the hell was going on. I even asked if there were any hidden cameras, as pranking celebrities and labelling them dumb is the trend nowadays. But they were too serious to be joking and I invited them inside with blatant hesitation.

Molly, my housekeeper, gave them tea on a shaky serving tray and I gave her a reassuring smile before she rushed out of my office. Even my nerves were on the edge, not having the slightest clue what they were here for. However, after fifteen minutes of explanation, I was dumbfounded.

"You are the one he asked for, ma'am. And unfortunately, he has the upper hand in this situation. Trust me, we wouldn't be here if we could have done something, anything, about it."

It was the younger guy who spoke and there was genuine frustration in his words.

"But I don't even know how to negotiate. And why does he want someone like me? It sounds complicated and definitely requires someone who knows about politics. I am as clueless about politics as an arts student is about rocket science."

I was definitely panicking by now and my head felt dizzy. These well-dressed men were asking me to handle something that involved the safety of several nations. It was too much for a stupid girl like me. I have heard about the recent political conflicts between the countries and even read on social media that some of them were planning secret wars. But all of it happened outside of my jurisdiction. I knew about it only like any normal citizen would. But now, the man who could probably eliminate this war wants me to negotiate terms with him. Me!! As in Maeve Sapphira Harper. A normal woman who skips a news channel faster than you can say bingo.

"We know, ma'am. And we know the amount of burden we are putting on you right now."

"Do you?"

I glared at the handsome officer, but my eyes must have exposed my vulnerability, as he now looked at me with sympathy.

"We don't know what game he is playing. But he is the only one who can stop this conflict right now."

"What is a single man going to do that could possibly stop a war?"

I asked, genuinely confused. How much power can a single man have to control these many nations?

"He, or rather known as the 'Megamind', is the most skilled hacker the world has ever seen. Right now, the enemy has planted a virus on all our systems and our cyber security is at total risk. Our experts have managed to prevent the data from leaking, but we are still vulnerable. Only the megamind can now create an antivirus and protect the data."

This reminds me why I failed in computer science back in high school. I grasped only a little as the deep voice continued explaining, and I raised my hands, gesturing for him to stop. I lost him right after the first few sentences anyway.

"So, you are telling me he wants me to bargain with him. Tell him what he will get from helping us. And you would write me everything I have to say. No contributions from my part."

A small smile crossed on the red lips, a perverted part of my brain not failing to notice how extremely perfect his features are.

"Yes. You will also have to sign an NDA so that none of the things will be leaked to the media or public."

What Else, If Not love?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin