Chapter 27 - Alter Ego

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As you approached the lake and saw Harvey and Isabella on the pontoon, your heart skipped a beat. Your mind had been at peace just moments ago, and now it felt like everything was falling apart. The sight of Isabella's hands all over Harvey ignited a surge of jealousy and anger within you.

"There's no way..." you muttered under your breath, trying to process the mix of emotions swirling inside you. You were torn between wanting to confront them and watch on, knowing that they didn't see you.

Before you could make a move, you saw Harvey push Isabella and her slippery hands away. Your heart leaped with a flicker of hope. Maybe he was trying to put a stop to whatever was happening between them.

Leah and Haley gasped, finally understanding where your concern was coming from. "Evangeline, are you alright?" Haley asked gently, placing a hand on your arm.

"Am I alright?" You asked, snapping. You'd had finally had enough.

You stormed over like an impending hurricane. Harvey and Isabella both turned to see you approaching, your boots slamming against the wooden planks of the pontoon. You had suppressed your city alter ego since you had moved to the Valley, but finally she was coming back into the limelight. Your easy going facade was starting to break and you felt the fire in your veins.

Harvey looked taken aback, his eyes searching for the right words. "Evangeline, why are you here?"

"Oh, spare me the innocent act," you interrupted, your voice tinged with bitterness. "I saw you with her, Harvey. You don't get to push her away now and act innocent. You know how she feels about you, but you continue to sneak around with her, regardless of whether or not you are retaliating to her moves."

Isabella remained silent, seemingly unsure of how to react in the face of your confrontation. No one had seen you angry like this before.

"I deserve better than this," you continued, your voice unwavering. "I won't be treated like some disposable distraction while you figure things out."

Harvey looked remorseful, realising the pain he had unintentionally caused you. "There's nothing too figure out, I'm with you and that's that." He said, his voice filled with regret.

"It doesn't look like you have from where I'm standing." Leah and Haley watched on, debating on whether or not to break the argument apart. As the weight of your words settled between the three of you, a heavy silence hung in the air. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself amidst the emotional whirlwind.

"I need some space," you finally said, your voice softer now. "I need time to figure things out."

Harvey frowned, he finally realised what he had been doing to you.

Without waiting for a response, you turned and walked away from the pontoon, your heart pounding in your chest.

"Why don't you just take a hint?" Isabella's words cut through the air, her tone full with arrogance and a clear superiority complex. You turned around in anger and disgust, unwilling to let her belittle you any further.

"I don't need hints, Isabella," you shot back, your voice steadier now despite the storm of emotions inside you. "I need respect. Something you clearly don't understand."

Isabella's expression hardened, she was clearly not used to having her opponents retaliate. "Wether you like it or not, I will win Harvey over." she asserted, taking a step towards you.

Your anger flared, ordering you to stand your ground. "Win him over? In that hideous outfit? Good luck sweetheart! I've worn better outfits whilst I've been cleaning out chicken huts." You hissed, feeling alter ego 'city Evangeline' take over.

Isabella's eyes widened in surprise, clearly taken aback by your sudden boldness. She opened her mouth to retort, but you didn't give her the chance.

"And let me tell you something else, Isabella," you continued, your voice now carrying a mix of anger and defiance. "Harvey is not a prize to be won. He's a person, unlike you. You can't just declare and claim him like some possession."

Isabella's face flushed with anger, knowing she had been rightfully called out, but you weren't done yet. The pent-up frustration from the weeks of putting up with her existence spilled out like a tidal wave.

"I see right through you, Isabella," you said, your voice dripping with disdain. "You're not interested in Harvey for who he really is. You're only interested in what he represents – some kind of status or achievement for you to flaunt around. But I won't let you use him like that, but if he does then that's on him." You glared back at Harvey, remembering his part in this whole ideal too.

"You have no idea what you're talking about," Isabella spat back, trying to regain control of the situation.

"Oh, I know exactly what I'm talking about," you retorted. "I lived in a penthouse with an asshole boyfriend and a corporate job I hated. It's fair to say that I've seen your type before – shallow, self-centered and desperate." Isabella's jaw dropped. You glared back at Harvey,

"And if you let her 'win,' you'll be just the same as her." You felt your eyes well with tears as Harvey reached his hand out to you. You turned to leave, ignoring his silent plea. You ran as fast as your feet could carry you. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you ran, the wind whipping through your hair, tangling it.

Leah and Haley, who had witnessed the whole thing, ran straight after you, glaring at Isabella as they passed. Behind you, they caught up, their concern evident in their expressions. "Evangeline, wait!" Leah called out, her voice filled with worry.

You slowed down slightly, allowing them to catch up. Haley placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't let her get to you," she said firmly. "Isabella is just trying to play mind games."

"I know," you replied, wiping away the tears that had escaped your eyes. "But it's hard not to let it affect me."

Leah gave you a sympathetic look. "We get it, Evangeline. It's not easy, especially when it feels like she's trying to come between you and Harvey."

"That's exactly how it feels," you admitted, feeling a mix of frustration and vulnerability. "And I hate that it's affecting me this much."

Leah gave you a small smile. "Life is never simple, especially when it comes to love," she said. "But remember, you have people who care about you and are here for you." You took a deep breath, trying to steady your racing heart. "Thank you, both of you," you said, feeling a sense of gratitude for their friendship. "I don't know what I would do without you."

They both walked you home, reassuring you and making you giggle to forget what had just happened.

As you reached your door alone, you saw Harvey approach, running to catch up with you, his glasses sliding off of his face.

There was an uncomfortable chat coming your way.

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